Is This Goodbye?

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       It had been 6 days since the incident with Mon-el, and Kara's wounds still hadn't healed, she began to worry. Not for her heath, but for the fear of how her loved ones would react if Mon-el told them what she had been doing.
       Over the course of 5 days Kara was still slowly breaking more and more. She would see Imra and Mon-el together. They always looked so happy. But one day Kara was walking through the DEO, looking for Mon-el to beg him to give her more time when she heard yelling.
      She didn't want to eavesdrop it kind of just happend. It's hard not to eavesdrop when u have super hearing. "Imra please, can we not talk about this right now?!" Mon-el yelled
      "If not now then when?" Imra fired back.
      " I just have a lot on plate right now, I'm dealing with things" Mon-el added. Kara couldn't help but feel guilty. She was obviously the extra "things" on his plate.
      "What kind of things?" Imra persisted.
      "Stuff I promised I wouldn't bring up with other people."
       "Mon-el, we are married, we are supposed to be honest with each other always" Imra sounded hurt.
     "I'm sorry Imra I just can't" Kara could hear footprints so she began to walk away so they didn't know she was eavesdropping.
      By this time Kara felt extreme guilt. A married couple, half of witch she was in love with, was fighting because of her.
    Kara was standing about 20 feet away when Mon-el walked out of the room and saw Kara and immediately walked over to her. "Great Kara, I'm so glad I ran into you. How long has it been? Have your wounds healed?"
      "Its been four days and they have not, why?" She asked
      "Is there anyway we could shorten our deadline. I'm in some real hot water with Imra right now and-"
     Kara no longer felt guilty, she did however feel hurt. Hurt because he cared more about his marriage then he did her safty. What did she expect? "Go to Hell" she told him
    Mon-el was shocked and Kara began to walk away. "Wait, what did I day?"
     Kara hasn't talked to Mon-el since. She didn't want to talk to him, and yet that's all she wanted to do. She felt the need to talk to him. Because despite everything she was still in love with him. No matter how hard she tried not to be, she was still in love with him.

      That night, Kara felt so afraid. Her family was going to react awfully and she couldn't go through that. The only way to stop all this. To stop all the pain, to stop all the suffering, to stop all the worry was to do the one unimaginable thing. If she did this  National City would no longer have their protector, was she really going to be that selfish?
       She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, saying goodbye to everyone, telling them it's not their fault and that she is sorry for being so selfish. She then grabbed that last piece of kryptonite from under her sink and shoved it into her lower abdomen without hesitation. With a shriek she fell to the floor.

      Mon-el didn't understand what he did wrong. Was he wrong for wanting to fix things between him and his wife? He decited none the less that he would go to Kara's apartment and apologise. The elevator doors opend and he walked down her hall when he heard a loud shriek coming from her door. He tried to open it but it was locked "Kara?" He yelled "Kara open the door" when he got no answer he shoved his body into it, braking the door in half.
      The sight in front of him was horrifying. There she was. His sweet, poor, innocent Kara, bent into her self with a piece for kryptonite stabbed into her. He ran over to her. "Kara? Kara? Why would you do this? Kara"
      To Kara, Mon-el's screams were getting softer and softer, she felt her self being picked up, that's when she blacked out.

       When Mon-el had finally made it to the DEO, J'onn,  Winn, Alex, and Imra rushed over to him. "What happend?" J'onn asked sternly.
      "She stabbed her self with kryptonite " Mon-el replied laying her on the gurny that's was placed in front of him.
      "What are you taking about, my sister wouldn't do that" Alex yelled
       "That's what i thought to, but I guess we were both wrong." Mon-el said calming, staring into Alex's eyes.


       3 and a half hours later Alex walked out and everyone surrounded her. "She's going to be fine" Alex said calmly. Alex sat down "this so all my fault." The group stared at her puzzled "a few weeks ago Kara told me she didn't feel like herself , like she felt broken. I just shrugged it off and told her it was because of Mon-el." The group looked at him. His face fell to guilt. " I should've listend to her. Why didn't i listen to her?"
        "No" Mon-el spoke up. "This is my fault. Six days ago, I realized Kara was cutting herself. She begged me not to tell anyone, so I took what I thought was all her kryptonite and told her if her wounds were still there by tomorrow I was going to tell you all. I guess she got to scared." He explained
      Alex was cut of with J'onn yelling "that's enough Agent Danvers" Alex looked at him and stormed off. "I'm sorry about that Mon-el she's just upset."
       "Why are you apologising, Alex is right, this is your fault " Winn cut in and walked off.
         "Agent Shott, really Mon-el we apoli-" J'onn was then cut off once more.
         "No their right, this is my fault" Mon-el began to walk away when he heard a large rapid beeping noise, he ran to Kara "GUYS" He screamed, people began to pile into Kara's room and all he could hear was:


And then pure silence.

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