Bite Me

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         Kara flew through the city, her eyes wet with anger. She was still wearing her supergirl suit. She was on a mission. A mission to kill Extra X.
        For all of Kara's life as supergirl, she never wanted to kill anyone. Just hurt them enough to make them weak and throw them in jail. But this man, this worthless human, did not deserve to keep living.
            She might admit that her judgement was a bit clouded because she had a been through this situation head on, but he still deserved to die. And that's exactly what she was going to do. No one could stop her.
            Kara stopped and floated in the air. Clearing her mind to listening for his voice. She heard babies crying, police sirens, people talking. After a half of a minute she finnaly heard it. His disgusting scratchy, overpowering  voice. She flew to where she heard the voice from.
               There he was. Standing over a girl. A helpless girl. He pushed her up against the brick wall.
             Kara flew to the ground and yelled "let go of her"  Extra X turned to Kara. He was in his suit. He looked into to her eyes. However this time she did not brake, she did not fall, she just gave him a glare. A glare that could kill.
              He let go of the girl and she limped off as fast as she could. "We meet again supergirl." He smirked "here to cry again?"
             "No" Kara stepped forward unfazed "I'm here to kill you" Kara then leaped forward at Extra X. He quickly dodged her attack and she ran onto a dumpster.
              He smiled and shot out rope from one of his gadgets on his left arm. Tieing her up. She was making stupid mistakes because of how angry she was. He began to pull her for word. She quickly used her head vision to release herself from the rope. And then forwarded her eyes to him. He brought up his steal red shield blocking her heat vision.
           Then quickly he threw a bomb, full of gas, making it hard to see for Kara. She looked around and stayed alert. But then out of no where a punch came out at her face. And then another and then another. She fell to the ground and the smoke cleared. He was now standing over her holding a gun to her head.
               The gun wouldn't do anything. Kara knew that, Extra X knew that, but he still tried to shoot anyway. When the bullet bonced off of her head he began to step back and run.
               Kara stood up and flew over and past him, she circled around and was now in front of him. "I-Im sorry"
             "Sorry isn't ganna cut it" she remarked and then swiftly punching him in the face. He fell to the ground. Kara picked him back up and punched him again. He fell once more. She was now on the ground with him punching him repetitively.
             "Supergirl" she heard a voice call. Extra X was almost dead. Just a few more punches and he would be gone. She would've rid this black mark that arrived to the earth by accident. And she was ready to kill, until she heard her name once again. "Supergirl"
               Kara turned around to see Mon-el standing there. He looked disappointed. "Stop" he called
              She stood up. "Why, why should I stop. This man should no longer get to live. He deserves to be punished for his crimes. He deserves to die"
             "This is not the supergirl I know. This is someone who wants revenge. Not justice. What happend to the supergirl who wanted justice?" Mon-el asked her
               Kara shook her head and turned back to Extra X. He was bruised and bloody. She picked him up and flew to the DEO. She dropped him on the ground. "Put him in a cell" she demanded while storming away.
                Mon-el leaped into the DEO and followed Kara. "How did you even find me? " She angrily asked still storming off
                  "James" he said quietly.
                  Kara quickly turned her direction twards James and grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him out of the chair he was sitting in. "How did you find me?"
                James looked scared so he answers quickly "tracker" she dropped him and stormed off again. He quickly called. "Why did it even matter that you killed him" he asked
                "It's just did james"
                "Why Kara?"He yelled
               She turned around. "Because he raped me." She screamed a little to loud. So loud in fact that the entire DEO heard her. Everyone around her  looked horrified. She quickly ran off into a cell. She fell against a wall and sat there. Waiting. She didn't know what she was waiting for. She just waited for it.

/AN/ Alright so, I've been having some writers block lately with this story but I'm really trying here. If you guys have any ideas I would love to hear them. If I like any of them I will definitely add them to the story. I also hope your are all still enjoying and thankyou for reading. <3

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