Into the Future

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        Mon-el woke up in the med bay. Surrounded by machines. He began to remember the previous events. Imra showing up, her taking Kara.
        He started to disconnect himself from the machines and attempted to get up when Alex walked in looking down at her clip bored. "Oh, your awake." She said in an annoyed tone.
            "Where's Kara?!" He blurted out.
            She smirked. "I don't know. Your crazy wife took her in her ship. I'm guessing to the future. We have been doing all we can to find her, and what timeline She's in." She sounded more aggravated then before.
              "I know where Imra took her" Mon-el told her while ripping off the rest of the cords off of him.
             Alex's eyes lit up in excitement. "Well where?!"
          Mon-el got up from his bed and walked to Her. He grabbed her shoulders "do you have any sort of time machine?"
             Alex nodded and led him to a room. She put her hand up to it to open it. When it opend she rushed through the door to reveal and small room with a circle machine inside.
              The machine was completely made of medal with red and blue wires sticking out of it here and there. It almost looked broken.
               Alex walked over to it and started to mess with some of the buttons. "This is something the DEO has been working on for years." The machine began to light up "It was here before I was. We have been trying to make it work, and if i put this here." She started to mess with more buttons untill the inside of the machine lit up with purple swirls. "It should work"she turned around smiling "now put the time you want to go to and walk through."
          Mon-el walked over to the machine and entered the time he had come back from a few months ago. He walked to the purple swirls and began to walk over into it.
            "Wait-" Alex called. "I'm going with you. I need to save my sister."
             Mon-el decided not to fight Alex. He knew he wouldn't win. So they both walked into the portal, to get their Kara back.

|AN| I Am so so SORRY. I didn't upset yesterday and this chapter is extremely short. I've just been super busy and my friend is going through some mental health issues that I want to help her with. I've been soo tired lately, I fell asleep at like 7 yesterday. I promise I will post a lot over the week. Spring break starts tomorrow. I hope you are all enjoying the story still! And have an amazing day! <3

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