Feeling Guilty

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         Kara woke up in the bed bay, again. It seemed as if she were constantly there. Mon-el was sitting in a chair next to her. Hunched over with his head on her bed. She smiled, but that smile quickly faded when she remembered what had happend when she had been recued.
         That man had told her that his child was on the planet they needed her blood to save. And it was her job to protect everyone. Even people in the future.
          She moved Mon-el over slightly, careful not to wake him up, and then stepped out of bed. But her face met the cold hard floor and she screeched in pain. "Ow!"
            Mon-el shot up. His eyes as wide as they could be. "Kara? Kara?!" He turned his head "where did you go?!"
           "Down here" she croaked attempting to stand again. He rushed over to her, and picked her up placing her back in the bed.
           "Why did you try to get up? How long have you been awake?" He asked sitting back down
           "I've only been awake a few minutes. And I tried to get up because" she puased "I was hungry" she said, thinking of the first lie that came to mind.
            "Well why didn't u just wake me up, I could've gotten you some food." He said standing once again.
             She smiled "you just looked so peaceful"
              "Well me looking peaceful, is not a reason to try to get out of bed on your own. Epically with how much blood you lost." He told her, beginning to walk out of her room. "Okay, I'm going to go get you some food. Stay here" he commanded
           She nodded and watched him walk out and fly away. Once she was sure he was gone, she knew she couldn't get out of her bed alone. So she called the one person she was sure would help her.
          "Winn!" She called trying to sound distressed.
         He rushed in "what's wrong, what's wrong?" He asked multiple times .
          "Can you hand me that wheel chair?" She asked him pointing the the wheel chair in the back of the room.
             He began to walk over to it "Why do you want it?" He asked suddenly getting suspicious.
            "It's kinda personal" she lied
            Winn stopped reaching for the chair and crossed his arms, waiting for a better explanation.
            Kara sighed "I have to pee"
           His eyebrows raised. He realized he was depriving a crippled girl of using the bathroom. He quickly grabbed the chair and helped her into it. "I am so sorry." He appoligiesed
            "It's fine" she laughed
            She began wheeling her self off, however in the opposite way of the women's bathroom. She wasn't too worried about Winn seeing her. He didn't know where it was. She made it to a door, placing her hand over it and walking in.
             Inside she saw a portal, sparking purple swirls. She did her best attempt to stand. Pushing off the arms of the chair. Then placing her feet firmly on the ground. Once she was stable enough she began to stand on her own.
             She carefully walked into the portal, hoping no one would try to follow her, on her suicide mission.

|AN|HEYYY!!! It's me. Sorry about the bit of the break I had. I've decided I'm going to try a schedule. So Monday is Not Enough Time. Tuesday is Save Me From Myself. And Wednesday, I'm going to try to post a new story, if you guys want to see it. Also I already published this once, but It was messed up so this is me trying again. Sorry if you got the notification twice. I hope your all still enjoying! And have a wonderful day! <3

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