Attack On Planet Us

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         Kara sat in the old cell room for the next 2 hours. Her eyes were closed and her head was against the wall. She heard the door open and then foot steps. She decided not to open her eyes. She didn't care who it was.
           Kara heard the steps walk next to her, and then someone sit down. She felt a hand interlock with hers. "Mon-el?" She asked opening one eye.
          "Yes?" He replied
            She placed her head on his shoulder closing her eyes again. "What took you so long?"
            Mon-el smiled "I couldn't find you. I looked at your apartment, the alien bar. Everywhere. And then I realized when you stormed off you didn't even leave the building.
             "I'm mortified" she said snuggling her head into his neck.
              "I know, but you can't hide in here forever." He told her
              Kara frowned. "I can try"
             "Hmmm." He paused "No" he said jumping up. He put out his hand to help her up. Kara rolled her eyes and took it. He lifted her to her feet and smiled. She pecked his lips softly and then walked out of the old room.
               "There you are!" Alex called running over. "I was worried sick"
               Kara slightly smiled " I'm fine. I just needed to clear my head."
              "Well next time you need to clear your head. Tell someone" Alex puts her hand on Kara's shoulder and Kara nods. Alex walked off while chuckling to herself.
             All of the sudden there was a sudden crash at the other side of the DEO. Kara and Mon-el rushed over. Half of the DEO was destroyed because there was a ship laying there.
              "Is that..?" Kara trailed off
                "Yep, that's the legions ship." Mon-el nodded
                 Imra popped out of one of the doors with a gun in her hand. She pointed the gun at Mon-el. When she realized who she was pointing at, she repositioned her gun at Kara and shot. Kara jumped up and Imra shot again. This time hitting Kara to the ground.
                 Mon-el rushed to Kara. "Imra, what are you doing?" Imra walked out of the ship and a bit closer
                "When we got back to the future, we were punished for not completing our real mission. I'm here to Finnish what we started." Imra stated pointing the gun at Kara once again.
              "What are you talking about?" Mon-el said standing up to shield Kara.
               "Our real mission Is to kill Kara and get her blood. Her blood is where the plans are. Not ours. I knew that you wouldn't have gone through with it if I told you the real reason we were here. And when brainy and I left, i realized we didn't do what we were supposed to. So I'm here to Finnish out job. " she shot again, hitting Mon-el this time. He fell to the ground. She winced at his pain "I'm sorry my darling, but im saving the world. You should be proud. "She smiled
              Kara was completely knocked out, but Mon-el was still attempting to fight Imra. He stood up weakly. "I won't let your hurt her." He told Her
               "I don't want to hurt you Mon-el. But if I have to i will." She pointed the gun at him. He stood in his stance and waited. Eventually Imra shot her gun and he landed on the ground once again. He was awake, but was having a hard time getting back up.
                  His vision was blurry, but he could see Imra dragging Kara off and onto the ship, right before he passed out.

|AN|Alright So I have been having such bad writers block lately. But I still want to get chapters out for you guys. So if my last couple of chapter and my next couple of chapters suck. If you guys have any ideas for me, I need to hear them. I hope you are all enjoying the story at least a little bit. And have an amazing day! <3

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