Where is she?

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Mon-el walked back into Kara's room holding a big brown bag full of food. What he found surprised him. Actully it's what he didn't find that surprised him. Kara was no where to be found.
"Kara" he called. "Kara" he called again putting the bag down and looking around.
When he found no one he decided to ask around. He walked over to Winn sitting at his desk typing something on his computer. " Hey Winn" Mon-el said trying to get his attention.
A quick "Hey" came out of Winns mouth. He hadn't botherd to look up. He was very busy.
"Have you seen Kara?" Mon-el asked.
"She called me in earlier asking me to get her a wheel chair. She said she had to pee. She wheeled out and I went back to my desk. I'm currently swamped and you bug-" he complained still not looking up.
"Why would she need to leave the room to pee. There's a bathroom in there. She knows that." Mon-el told Winn cutting him off.
Winns eyes shot to Mon-els. "Then where did she go" he asked, concern in his voice.
Mon-els eyes widend. "Someone mustive said something to her when we were in the future. Everyone there would make up a lie to tell people why they wanted the save the planet to make them feel bad. The real reason was hidden by the government. Someone mustive told her there loved one was up there. She mustive gone back. She's going on a suicide mission."
Winn shot out of his seat. "What do we do?"
Mon-el quickly rushed over to the room Alex had taken him to to enter the portal. "Put your hand over the pad" he said
"I don't have clearance" Winn told him.
"At least try" he begged angrily.
Winn placed his hand over the pad and to his surprise the door opend.
Mon-el basically jumped in to the room. The portal however was destroyed, left in pieces. "She mustive destroyed it when she left" he said picking up a peice of the metal and throwing back onto the ground in anger.
"There's a note" Winn pointed out
Mon-el walked over to the flimsy peice of paper and began reading it. "To whom it may concern" he read aloud "I have gone back to the future to give Imra my blood and who ever else needs it. As you can see I have destroyed the portal so don't try to follow me. Please tell Mon-el I love him dearly, and I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to him. Same goes to Alex. Sincerely Kara"
Winn looked up from the ground. "I can fix it" he said in a light tone.
"There isn't enough time" he yelled. Winn took a large step back and put his hands up. "I'm sorry, it's just-" he started " I just love her so much and I've lost her way to many times. I can't lose her again" he said looking down trying to hold back tears.
Winn placed his hand on Mon-els shoulder "We will get her back. I promise"

|AN| Howdy! So I think I'm going to end this story soon. I don't know how you guys will feel about that, but I've been contemplating it and I might end it and 25-30 chapter, please tell me what you think. I hope your all still enjoying! And have a wonderful day! <3

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