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Kara had been through so much. She had to watch her planet die, along with her parents and everyone she loved. Then when she finally found someone to love, he was ripped away from her. He came back with another women. In Kara's depression she began cutting and almost died. She finnaly got the man she loved back and now she was going to die.
Imra grabbed a needle. "Because of the fact that you left so suddenly, my special doctor can't be here right now." She said, anger in her tone. "So I'm just ganna have to do it." She smiled, plunging the needle into Kara's arm as hard as she could.

"Ow" Kara screeched.

Imra laughed. "Oh don't worry, it will all be over soon."

Kara smiled, and the sighed "I know"

Imra stopped, a puzzled look fell onto her face. "Your happy your dying?"

Kara almost laughed. "Of course I'm not happy. But if it means saving all the people on that planet, I'll do anything."

"People? What people? That planet is deserted."

"What?" Kara shot Up

"It's been deserted. We need to save it, so we can put people on it. The world is over populated" Imra said

"That doctor told me I was saving his daughter." Kara told her, still confused

"Well he lied"

Kara thought for a moment. If no one was dying, there was no reason for Kara to die. "Let me off of this thing"

"Hell No" Imra yelled.

Kara took the needle out of her skin. When Imra attempted to stop her, she  kicked her in the face and began running twords the exit. She flew over to the rubble of the old DEO and walked over to the portal.

"Damit" she wisperd under her breath

She had destroyed to only way she could get home. Now what?

|AN| OKAY! I know that this is like the shortest chapter ever, and I'm sorry about that. But one chapter left!! Then it's the end of this story. I hope your all still enjoying. Have a wonderful day! <3

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