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Kara walked out of the portal and into the future. She had just destroyed the portal so no one would follow her, and left a small note saying she was sorry. She really was, but if it came down to her life, or millions of others, she would be the one who had to die.

She walked down the long sidewalk, staring up at the buildings. Trying to remember which one she was taken to after she was captured.

She was walking quite slowly because of the fact that she still felt weak. Looking around she saw a recognizable girl with short black hair, talking to someone.

"Imra" Kara called.

Imra turned around and immedietly placed herself into a fighting stance. "Kara"

Kara threw up her hands in a stopping position. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help." She stated. Imra stepped closer. "I want you to take the rest of my blood" she said

"You what? Why would you sacrifice your self?" She asked

"Because if I had to sacrifice myself to save millions of people, I would" Kara stated

Imra nodded "follow me" she began walking towards and building while Kara followed.

She led her to a tall building, they walked into the building and up into the elevator.

The two women did not speak, they just went up to a large room with a bed and machines in the middle of it.

"You can lie there while I call the doctor to extract all of your blood." Imra told her.

Kara nodded, walked over to the bed and placed herself into it. She was about to die, but the sad part was, she was okay with it.

|AN| OKAY! Hey. So, I have decided to end this story at chapter 20. I think that, that is a good place to end my first story, and I don't have anymore ideas so. I hope you all enjoyed. And have a wonderful day! <3

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