Chapter 1 - Introducing Me

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Welcome to Seabrooke. We're a perfectly planned community. We all have perfect homes, perfect clothes, the perfect life. Everything was perfect.

Until it wasn't.

Who would've thought that an accident involving lime soda would set off the apocalypse? Once the contaminated green haze blew west, it turned everyone it touched into... zombies.

That's right. Brain. Eating. Zombies.

Dark and gorey times. We built a barrier to contain the zombie and the haze.

Safe at last, Seabrooke could finally get back to it's perfect life. The barrier is still there, though.
But times have changed, since the outbreak 50 years ago. Science found a much better way to deal with those old brain eaters. They still have to live on this side of the barrier.. but now?

They're awesome.


I get out of bed and smile.
Today is the first day of high school.
My name's (Y/n). I have an older sister named Addison, and I love cheer. Well, not really. My parents sent me to cheer camp as long as I could remember, regardless of the fact that I do NOT like cheer. I've grown to love it...
I guess.

Today is the day Addison and I are to make the cheer squad. Our cousin Bucky runs it, actually. My family is huge on cheer, so if I don't cheer it's like I'll be disowned.

This year is going to be different, though. Zombies are going to go to school with us. Yeah, zombies. Gross, icky, brain eating zombies. Ugh, I can't believe this.

My entire family hates zombies ever since one almost bit my grandpa's ear off. I can't believe I have to go to school with them... I bet one of them is the grandchild of that very zombie. I hope I don't run into him.

"C'mon, lets get breakfast," Addison said. Y/n nodded and went downstairs with her sister.

"Cheer tryouts today!" their Mom smiled. "Cheer tryouts!" their dad laughed.
"I'm way fired up," Addison grinned. "Yeah. Me too," Y/n half smiled.

"Girls, you know that Seabrooke has won every cheer championship since... forever, right?"
"Yes Mom," Y/n replied, sighing.

"We're not about to lose this year, especially with zombies here. So I beseech you both - you make those tryouts and WIN THAT CHEER CHAMPIONSHIP!" she yelled, momentarily losing her cool. Y/n flinched in response.

"You beseech us? Mom.." Addison frowned.
"Was that a bit too much?" She frowned. "Yeah, Missy, that was a bit much," Dad replied. "Oh, it's time for school girls!"

Addison's eyes widened and she hopped out of her chair, spinning around and grabbing her backpack quickly.

"C'mon, Y/n, lets go!" Y/n rolled her eyes and got up, grabbing it and following her.

"Don't talk to the zombies!" Their dad yelled from inside.
That won't be a problem.

The sisters soon reached the school. They looked up at the huge new barrier and Y/n chuckled, "Wow, they're really serious about keeping zombies out," Y/n commented, looking at the big gate between the entrance to the school. On their side, it read NORMALS, and the other; it read ZOMBIES.

Addison walked in before her, but she stayed outside to watch the zombies enter for a moment. She looked at one in particular and stopped.

His dark green hair is put up in a small quiff, and his dark brown eyes seemed to gleam talking to his zombie friends.

"(Y/n)!" She heard Addison yell. She jumped a little, and walked into the school.

That zombie is kind of.. cute.
For a zombie.

She ran up ahead to meet up with Addison and their cousin, Bucky. "My two favorite cousins!" Bucky grinned and hugged the two of them.

She laughed, "More like your only cousins."

"Cheer tryouts today! You excited?" He smiled.
Addison nodded eagerly. "Yes!"
Y/n shrugged, "Yeah."

"Don't look so enthusiastic," Tracey snickered. Lacey and Stacey snickered along with him. "Let's get to class. Tryouts are right after school." She followed Bucky, Tracey, Lacy, and Stacey to class as Addison stayed behind to talk to a new girl.

.:: Time skip ::.

School had just ended. Everyone was either leaving or heading to cheer and football practice. Y/n was walking down the hall when she heard an alarm go off.

Apparently, that was the Zombie alert alarm. She gasped - she had to find Addison before she got eaten!

Y/n turned a corner and found Addison trying to calm her new friend whom she earlier found is named Bree. "It's okay, Bree! There's a zombie safe room right there- (Y/n)! There you are!" Addison hugged her.

She opened her mouth to speak when Bree screamed.
"ZOMBIE!" Bree ran off with Addison screaming, running after her.

Y/n rolled her eyes and ran towards the zombie safe room. She entered it and shut the door, sighing.

Surely, you'd be safe in here.

She soon found a dark figure rush past one of the shelves. She gulped, "Hello? Is anybody there?" She said quietly.

"Hello..?" A male voice replied.
"Hi?" Y/n replied, skeptical.

"Why hello," he responded, smiling. Y/n scoffed, "Don't get any ideas, Buster, the only thing more dangerous than my high kick is my low kick," she warned.

He chuckled, "Sorry. This is just not how I was excepting my first day at a new school to be."

"You didn't expect to be trapped in a zombie safe room?" She smiled, slowly moving closer to the figure.

He laughed, "Oh, no! That I expected. I just was hoping to try out for the football team."

"Oh, cool! I have to try out for the cheer squad. My parents would disown me if I didn't," She half smiled.
"My dad doesn't even think I'll make the team," he sighed.

"What? That's crazy! You'll do great. You just need someone to cheer for you. So if I get on the team, I'll have my sister and I cheer for you."

"That's sweet. Thanks," he said. He stepped into the light and her heart stopped.

There, standing right in front of her, was a -
"ZOMBIE!" She screamed.


Welcome to the first chapter of my new story - Transformed! I think you guys are gonna like this one. Near the mid/end of the book is gonna be a totally different approach than the actually movie, so this book is going to have a bit of originality and a bit of original story line to it. A perfect mixture if you ask me :)

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