Chapter 14 - Transformed

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.:: Zed's POV ::.

It was the next morning. I heard a loud banging on my cell door and I jolted awake.
"Get up and get over here!" The officer yelled.

I rushed to get up as fast as I could and walked over. I was tired, scared, and just wanted to go home.

He opened the gate and handcuffed me, shut the door and walked out with me.
They brought me back to the room I was in last night. I assumed they were gonna give me my actual new Zband now.

They strapped me down and I clenched my fists, bracing myself for the pain again.
The Zband is taken off and I start to turn. Before I could fully turn again, however, the doctor puts on my new Zband and I turn back to normal.

"This band is unbreakable and unhackable. I don't expect this to go wrong ever again," he started to explain to me. "It will have a software update once a month, and if it starts to malfunction in anyway it will alert us so we can fix it. You're free to go now."

The unstrapped me and lead me outside to the van where Bonzo and Eliza were. They uncuffed me and pushed me into the van, and locked the door.

"Zed, about yesterday.. I'm so sorry," Eliza began. "It's okay." "It's really not. It's not just your fault. It's mine, too, and poor Bonzo got dragged into our mess," she frowned. "Yeah, thanks," Bonzo chuckled.

"But, we made it out alive and together, and that's all that matters," Eliza said. I grinned and hugged them both. "I love you guys. I'm glad that we went through this together."

On the rest of the ride home, I decided I wanted to surprise (Y/n) in some way. I would get her some flowers and maybe her favorite candy, and then take her out on a date. It would be perfect!

.:: Your POV ::.

Y/n was walking to school with Addison. She was rambling about how bad zombies are, but she tuned her out.

"I mean, I don't understand how you could even like a zombie romantically! They're so ugly and gross!" She said. "Zed isn't like that!" Y/n glared at her. "I just don't see the appeal in them. They're rude, vile, evil, and not to mention rude-"

"ZED ISNT LIKE THAT, ADDISON," Y/n snapped, already failing at trying to keep her cool. But the more she kept dissing zombies, the more angrier she grew, until she lost it.

"I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY, ADDISON, BUT ZOMBIES. ARENT. EVIL!" Y/n screamed at her. The anger began to consume her and she felt herself change.

She felt frozen in place. She couldn't move. She had no control over herself. She felt yourself changing and there was nothing she could do.

Addison screamed in horror as she saw her sister change. Soon, she was only thinking about one thing.

Eating. Addison's. Brain.

.:: Zed's POV ::.

I was walking to school with the flowers for (Y/n) behind my back. I started imagining how she would react, when I heard screaming.

I furrowed my brows and ran faster, towards the sound. I see Addison backing away from a rogue zombie. I dropped the flowers and ran over to help Addison.

I moved Addison out of the way and looked at the zombie and I gasped.

That zombie was (Y/n).

"(Y/n)?! What happened to you?!" She just growled and tried to push me out of the way to reach Addison.

She scratched at my skin; I winced, but didn't budge. "Addison! Call Zombie patrol, NOW!" I yelled. She nodded and ran off, fighting back tears.

"(Y/n)! It's me, Zed! What happened to you?" She looked up at me and she stopped. She was breathing heavily, not sure what to do. I could tell she was upset that her prey got away, and that she wanted to attack me.

"(Y/n), it's okay, everything is going to be okay. I'm here." I hugged her tightly, hoping that would bring her back to normal. I looked at her dark gray skin and noticed it slowly starting to fade to a lighter shade.
"Z-Zed..." she muttered, her voice dark and twisted, "i-i-"

I heard footsteps running and I stop hugging her. Then, zombie patrol pushed me out of the way holding a cattleprod. My eyes go wide, and she looked at it in fear, "No! Stop! Don't hurt her!" I yelled.

They hit her arm with the prod and she screamed out in pain, collapsing to her knees, "NO!" I screamed.
She was already weak, so she began to fall over, but I caught her. I laid her in my lap and I wrapped my arms around her.

Her face was scrunched up in pain and she was whimpering. I held her in my arms and started to cry,
"Didn't you see she was already turning back to normal?! You hurt her!" I yelled to the officer.
"She's a rogue zombie! Every zombie knows that's what happens to them if you go rogue!" She snapped back at me. "But she isn't a zombie! She's (Y/n), the mayor's daughter!"

The officer looks at me suspiciously. "(Y/N)! OH MY GOD!" Addison cried. She ran over to me and, seeing her sister in so much pain, broke down crying.

"Do you know this girl, ma'am?" The officer asked Addison. She nodded, "Yes! She's my sister! She turned into a zombie and I don't know how!" she answered with a shaky voice. Her eyes widened and she contacted the rest of zombie patrol for backup.
"We're going to need to take her away now. Let her go."

"What?! Wait, no! She didn't do anything wrong! Stop!" She started to move me away from (Y/n) and I screamed out in anger. She regained her strength and stood up nervously as she gets handcuffed and walked away.

"(Y/N)!" I screamed. I watched her be walked away and I started to cry. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Addison yelled to me before running into the school.
My girlfriend was turned into a zombie... what the hell just happened?


We've gotten to the point where now pretty much the entirety of the remainder of the book is going to be something new! I hope you guys like the plot twist :)

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