Chapter 9 - Trouble in Parent-dise

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Gus pulled up at her door. Her heart began to race - How would her parents react to a police officer taking her home?

He opened up the door for her and helped Y/n out of the car. "Thanks," she mumbled quietly.

Y/n walked up to the house and he rang the bell. Y/n's dad answered the door. He furrowed his brow, "Gus? What are you doing here?"

"I caught this one sneaking around Zombietown, chief," he replied. She looked down, ashamed.

"You were WHAT?" He took her inside and told her mother what she did. "You snuck out?! (Y/n)!"
"You could've gotten killed! Zombies are evil! What were you even doing?!"

What should she even say? She thought for a moment. Y/n sighed, it's best to tell the truth. "I.. I was out with a boy."

"A boy?!" Dad yelled. "Oh my God.." Mom sighed. "There will be no cheer until we meet this boy, and that is final!" Dad said.

Y/n teared up, "But-" "No buts! Now go to your room," Mom said sternly. With tears flooding Y/n's eyes, she stormed upstairs. She changed out of her clothes into her pajamas and jumped into bed, crying.

She wasn't upset about the cheer suspension, she was upset about Zed. She couldn't ever tell her parents that Zed was a zombie, that would be an absolute disaster waiting to happen! If only he could turn human for a day..

Y/n sighed and tried to fall asleep, but all she could think about was the feeling of Zed's soft lips on hers, how his hand caressed her cheek and that the feeling sent shivers down her spine. She was enjoying reminiscing, but then she remembered how he ran off without hesitation once Gus came. Y/n sighed, maybe he didn't love her. He didn't protect her from potential danger.. he just ran off like a little baby.
Y/n was almost certain he wouldn't do something like that without a reason - but it still hurt nevertheless.

.:: Zed's POV, at the garden earlier ::.

(Y/n) and I stopped wondering around the garden. I stopped walking and so did she. This was the perfect opportunity. It was just us and we were in the most romantic place in Zombietown...

I want to kiss her.

I rested my hands on her waist as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. We looked in each other's eyes and she grinned, "Thank you so much for bringing me here.. I love it."

"I'm glad," I smiled and rest my hand on her cheek. My heart began to race as I stroke her cheek gently, "You're so beautiful.." I noticed her blush deeply and I chuckled.

It's now or never...

I leaned in close to her and the two of us closed our eyes, knowing what's to come. I've never kissed anybody before, so I hoped I didn't mess this up...
After a moment of building up enough courage, I kissed her.

I noticed she didn't kiss back right away, but after a second or so she did. It felt so forbidden kissing her, but it also felt so right, like it was meant to be. My heart was racing unbelievably fast we melted into each other. I pressed both my hands on her cheeks gently as I deepened the kiss, feeling more confident kissing her.

The lights started to shut off and I began to hear screaming. "Zombies, show yourselves, you're out past curfew!" An officer yelled.

I broke the kiss quickly and without saying a word ran off, leaving her alone. "Curfew?!" I heard her gasp in the distance.

I felt so bad leaving her, but I had to get out of there. My dad would lose his mind if I was brought home by the police. I had no idea it was past curfew, anyway.

I ran all the way back home and opened the door, out of breath from running so fast. I noticed my dad wasn't downstairs and I sighed with relief. Maybe I won't get in trouble.

I poured a glass of water and began to drink it, when I heard footsteps creaking down the staircase. I looked up and my heart sank.

My dad was starring at me, completely unamused. "Zed. Where have you been? It's past curfew," he said.
I swallowed the rest of my water and put my glass in the sink, "I was at the zombie mash. I didn't know it was past curfew, im sorry, Dad," I said as calmly as possible.

He shook his head, "I'm sorry doesn't ignore the fact that you could've gotten in big trouble with the police! You can't stay out past curfew, Zed, you know that!" "I know, Dad, I'm sorry.." "Especially with that human girl that was at the Mash, apparently. Zoey talked to her and i can't believe she did! She tried convincing Zoey to steal a dog!" He exclaimed.

I stared at him with wide eyes, "What! (Y/n) never said that at all!" I defended. I groaned, "I mean-"

"Who's (Y/n)? That human girl? Zed!" "Dad, I can explain-" "You better! Are you befriending a human? Or worse, dating a human?"

My heart began to race, what do I say? I can't tell him I'm dating (Y/n)! But I'm 17.. I should be able to make my own rules, and date whoever I want... "I'm dating a human. Yes, I am. (Y/n) is my everything. I love her. She's the only girl that's ever truly gotten me, and the only girl I've ever loved like this before. And frankly, I don't care if you don't agree with our relationship because I love her and that's all that matters!" I shouted.

My dad's eyes softened from anger to disappointment, "Son, do you really think I wouldn't support you? I mean, yes, it's weird for a zombie to date a human, but I won't forbid you from seeing her. I love you, Zed. Just please, be careful, okay?"

I nodded and hugged him. "I love you, son." "I love you too, dad," I said, smiling. "Now go to bed.. Zoey's long asleep, so try not to wake her. But im sure she's awake by now.." he chuckled. I laughed, "Yeah. Goodnight dad!" "Goodnight, Son."

I checked on Zoey and I noticed she was still fast asleep, her thumb in her mouth as she cuddled Xander. I smiled and went into my room.

I took off my shirt and put on gym pants, and hopped into bed. I began to doze off when thoughts of (Y/n) crept into my mind. I sighed, I felt so bad for leaving her with the police. I hope she's okay... But I'm sure she's fine. I'll explain everything tomorrow.

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