Chapter 3 - Pep Rally

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The next day at school Y/n found Bucky. She tapped his shoulder and he turned around, smiling. "(Y/n)!"

"Bucky, treating zombies like the way you have been isn't right. They're people too."

He chuckled, "Zombies will never not be freaks."
"But that doesn't mean we have the right to torment them!" she defended. He smirked, "For Addison's sake, it's best if you don't question my ways, cuz."

She gulped. He knows how much Y/n loves Addi. She knew what he's planning. One slip up and he'd expose Addison's secret... something Y/n couldn't risk.

"Pep rally today, (Y/n/n)!" He smiled. "You're gonna rock it."
"Yeah. Thanks." she smiled faintly. He walked off and she sighed.

What was she going to do? Y/n knew she was torn. Either she stuck up for the zombies, but in return risk exposing Addison; or let them get bullied, and their family name remains clear. Not an easy decision.

She was in the cafeteria to grab a quick snack before class, since she had missed breakfast. She heard Lacey gag, "Ugh, Becca over there just lost her breakfast. That's the second time this week," She rolled her eyes.
"Disgusting," Tracey said, glaring at Becca.

"I'll go get the janitor," Y/n mumbled. Nobody told her not to, so she went. What she didn't remember was that the basement was where zombies were being taught, and that's where the janitor was.

.:: Zed's POV ::.

"Yeah, Eliza. I met a cheerleader. On top of that, I got denied for being on the football team. You know, I thought she was different, I thought she was the one! But you're right, cheerleaders are all terrible," I sigh.

Seeing (Y/n) trespass into Zombietown just to harass zombies along with the squad just broke my heart. I really thought she was different, but I guess not.

Eliza, Bonzo, and I were about to sit down when the janitor gasped. "What- Hey! There's no humans in the basement!"

Everyone turns around and I frown.

"Someone threw up in the cafeteria," she says scrunching up her nose in disgust.

"Oh, right.. still the janitor." He frowns and gets his mop and starts to walk out, grumbling.

"Sorry, we would've cleaned but the teacher is territorial about his mop," Eliza smirks.

I look at her and frown. "Sorry about her.. what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I came here to apologize. We only did what we did last night because it was cheer initiation," she says and smiles a little. I raise a brow and she stops, "Not that that makes it any better.. I didn't do anything though, I swear! My sister Addison was all for it, but my friend Bree and I were against it. We hate how harassed you guys are."

"Yeah, we hate it, too," Eliza says.
I look at Eliza with a "shut the hell up" face and turn back to (Y/n).

"It's fine. Now that I know you didn't do anything I feel better." I smile a little. "Also, I was wondering if you were going to the Pep Rally today?" She asks.

"Zombies don't do pep rallies," Eliza says.
I glare at Eliza and Bonzo shrugs. "We'll think about it," I say in response to her question.

She grins, nods, and runs off.
"Can we crack a window in here? It stinks of human," Eliza sighs.
I roll my eyes.

Whether or not Bonzo and Eliza go to the pep rally doesn't bother me, regardless of them going or not I'm going.
I hope she's not faking being nice, though, cause I think I'm falling for her.

.:: Y/n's POV ::.

Addison was braiding Y/n's hair, talking but she really wasn't listening. All she was thinking about was how hurt Zed looked last night, and how she may had lost her only opportunity to befriend him.

"I mean, zombies at the pep rally would just cause so much drama," Addison frowned.

Y/n gasped and stood up really fast and Addison squealed, "(Y/n)!" She got up and everyone crowded the window to see the zombies pile in.

Y/n noticed Zed and his two friends, who she did not know the names of yet.

"They wouldn't dare," Y/n heard Bucky say through gritted teeth. "Use the spirit sticks."

Soon the pep rally began. Y/n was running around waving her pom poms and actually enjoying herself cheering for once. The only downside was that Bucky set her as a flyer, which scared her greatly. Being thrown in the air? Not her cup of tea. But, he wouldn't let her back out of it. He kept threatening to expose Addison unless she obeyed him entirely.

Y/n caught Zed's eyes in the crowd and she beamed. He smiled and waved at her.
She regained focus and continued to cheer again.

"Get the spirit sticks!" Y/n heard Bucky call to Tracey and Stacey. They nodded and ran off stage to get them.

Y/n started to feel nervous as she realized she had to be thrown now.

She backed into position as the 2 boys began to lift her up. She looked down and saw Bucky, Lacey, Tracey, Stacey, Addison, and a few others holding spirit sticks. She heard faint murmuring amongst the zombies and noticed how panicked they looked.

"You ready?" One of the boys asked her.
"Yes," Y/n replied, hiding her fear.

He began to lift her up and she closed her eyes. She couldn't see herself fly, or else she would've screamed and ruined the entire routine. That would be a one way ticket to disaster.

"BONZO, NO!" Y/n heard Zed yell. Her heart began to race as she was thrown into the air.

She lost feeling everywhere and only focused on the sick feeling in her stomach as she was thrown. She was so scared and she couldn't show it in anyway possible.

She opened her eye for a second and realized that there was nobody under to catch her. Y/n slammed her eyes so tightly shut and clenched her fists, embracing for the harsh impact on the cold hard floor.

But it never came. Instead, a pair of strong arms caught her.

She eased her eyes open and saw Zed looking down at her, out of breath. "Hey," he said simply.
"..Hey," Y/n mumbled in reply, looking into his eyes in pure awe.

Zed just saved her life...

"You! Me and you gotta talk!" She heard coach say sternly. Zed looked over at him then back at her. He helped her down and then ran over to coach, where they walk out of the gym.

She watched him walk out in shock that he just saved her life with such ease.

"(Y/n)! Oh my God are you okay?!" She heard Addison cry. She hugged her tightly and she snapped back to reality. "Are you hurt?!"

"I'm fine, Addison. Zed saved me," she grinned. "Don't let it get to your head, cuz. Let's get to lunch," Bucky said.

They lead Y/n out of the gym, chatting amongst themselves, leaving her to ponder in her thoughts which Zed consumed all of.

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