Chapter 15 - Roommates

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.:: Your POV ::.

"Wake up."
"Wake up.. please wake up!"

Y/n began to open her eyes. She winced, nearly being blinded by the bright light in the room. She opened her eyes fully and looked around. It looked like she was in some sort of hospital.

"You're awake! Thank God!" I heard Addison say. "Where am I.." she mumbled. "You're in the hospital," Bucky said. I looked to my right and see a tear-stricken Addison and an upset Bucky.

"What happened.." she asked, her voice groggy.
"What was the last thing you remember?" Addison asked, sniffling. "I.. I remember you and I walking to school, and then we started fighting... and then I blacked out."

"(Y/n)... I don't know how to tell you this, but.." Bucky began, "What?" she sat up. "Tell me what?" "..You're a zombie, (Y/n)." "I'm a what?!" she gasped. "You're a zombie," Addison said.

She looked down at her skin, and immediately she noticed the difference. Her skin was a pale gray, and she had a zband on her right wrist. She touched her hair and looked at it: it was a dark green color.

She really was a zombie...

She nodded slowly, "Okay. I'm okay with that," she said out loud, immediately questioning why she was okay with it.

"You're okay with it?" Bucky gasped. "Your entire life just changed for the worse and you're okay with that?!" "I mean, yeah. Unlike some people I don't think zombies are vile pieces of crap," she glared at Bucky.

"Wheres Mom and Dad? And where's Zed?" she asked. "Mom and Dad and working, they said they'll pick you up to drive you to your new house today," Addison said. "New house.. what?" she raised a brow.

"Zombies aren't allowed to live in Seabrook under any circumstances, so you're being relocated somewhere in Zombietown," Bucky explained. Tears brim at her eyes. "I bet you don't want to be a zombie now, huh?" Bucky said.

"Fuck you," she mumbled. Bucky gasped, "Excuse me!" "Yeah, well you deserve it, asshole!" she rolled her eyes. "Where's Zed," she said, pissed.

"He didn't care to drop by," Addison said, her smile fading to a line. "Can you two get the hell out? I don't want to see either of you right now," Y/n snapped, clearly upset.

Bucky threw up his hands, "Fine. Just goes to show that I was right, Zombies are a bunch of aholes," Bucky rolled his eyes. "SHUT UP!" she yelled. She suddenly felt a sharp pain ripping through her body, starting from her wrist to her brain and everywhere in between.

"What in the f-"

"When Zombies get angry, it causes them to go rogue. When they get angry, to stop them from going rogue the Zband shoots out what you just felt. It'll feel soothing after awhile," someone said.

She looked at the doorframe and saw an older zombie man standing at the door. If she remembered correctly, that's Zed's dad. "I'm Zevon, Zed's Dad," he said.

Y/n smiled. "Nice to meet you. Is Zed here, too?"
"Nope, but I came to pick you up to take you to your new home," he smiled. "Oh. Okay, thank you, sir."

She got out of the hospital, and Zevon drove her into Zombietown. He parked in his driveway and she raised a brow. "Your parents are going to pick you up in an hour or so, I just wanted to let you see the house before you went and packed," he said getting out of the car.

"I'm living with you, Zed, and Zoey?!" Y/n gasped. He nodded and smiled, "Welcome home, Miss (Y/l/n)."

He opened the door for her and she walked in. She looked around and smiled, his house is lovely. "I'm sure it's not as grand as your home was, but to us it's great." "I love it so much already," Y/n grinned.

"Zed's upstairs, the room to the right," he said. She nodded and she walked up the stairs. She looked to her left and saw Zoey sitting on the floor in her room, playing with her toy Xander.

"Zoey!" Y/n said. She looked up and her eyes lit up, "(Y/n)!" she squealed. She ran over and hugged you, and she laughed. "Are you and Xander having fun?" Y/n asked. She nodded and looked up at Y/n excitedly.

"Yeah! He's so excited to have you live here!" "Well, I'm very excited to live here as well!" Y/n grinned and booped her nose, and she giggled. "I'm gonna go find Zed.. I'll see you in a few hours, okay?"

She nodded, and y/n turned to look for Zed's room.
Y/n see his room, the door is shut. She knocked on it.
"Come in!" He yelled from inside.

Y/n opened the door and smiled, "Zed!" Zed turned around and grinned, "(Y/n)!" He ran over to her and picks her up, spinning her around. "I'm so glad you're okay!" He said, putting her down.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Except for the fact I'm a zombie, now," Y/n chuckled. He frowned, "I'm so sorry, (Y/n/n). It's all my fault. If I hadn't gone rogue-"

"No, Zed, it's okay." She took his hand and smiled at him. "I'm okay with being a zombie. I never felt like I had belonged as a human, anyway."

Zed grinned, "I'm glad you're okay with it." He leaned down and pecked her lips gently, "Welcome home, baby."

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