Chapter 11 - A Real Date

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Y/n got a text from Zed saying that he would be at her house in 40 minutes. She panicked and ran upstairs to get ready.

She tore through her closest to find something cute to wear. Zed said he was taking her out as a surprise, and just in case it turned out to be a date, she wanted to dress in something cute.

She picked out (your favorite outfit) and grinned, it was perfect. She put it on, did her makeup, and curled her hair to add to the look. She looked in the mirror and grinned, she looked beautiful. Zed was sure to be impressed.

"(Y/n)!" Y/n heard her mom yell. She walked downstairs, "What's up?" "Are we going to be meeting your date today or not?" She asked. Y/n tucked in her lips and sighed, "Mom, I don't think it's a good idea."
"If we don't meet him, you AND Addison are not allowed to-"

Just then, the doorbell rang, and her heart sank.
"That's him!" Y/n's Dad smiled. He began to walk over to the door to let him in. "Mom, Dad, you really don't want to open the door!" She rushed after them, panicking. "(Y/n), where are your manners?" her mother scolded.

"Okay, fine! My date to the homecoming dance is..."
"...Handsome!" her mother laughed. Y/n's eyes went wide - standing at the door was Zed, but he was a human!

She looked at him and blushed. He looked really, really hot as a human.

He smiles and gives Missy a bouquet of flowers, "I bought these for you." She takes them and smiles, "Thank you!"

"So, how do you know my daughter?" Her dad asked him. "She's a cheerleader and I'm on the football team."

The two of them start to talk before she pushed through, "Okay, we're just going to go to the homecoming game now..." she muttered, walking out the door. "Have fun! Gosh, (Y/n), where did you dig him up?" "He's a gem!" Her mother said.

"From the ground," she thought to herself. She waved goodbye to them and took Zed's hand, speedwalking away from her house. "How did you-" "I adjusted my Zband and I feel great!" Zed raved, proud of himself.

"Isn't that dangerous?" "Yeah, but I wanted your parents to like me. I'll be fine, (Y/n/n)." He smiled down at her. "Also, I owe you a real date. C'mon," the two walked out of her neighborhood with Y/n internally squealing. This was just what she was hoping for! Her and Zed alone on a romantic date... what could go wrong?

The two soon arrived at the local ice cream parlor. He opened the door for her and she smiled, "Thank you!" She entered but soon noticed that Zed didn't come in right away. She looked out the window and saw him leaned against the window in pain. She quickly swung the door open, poking her head out, "Zed? What's wrong?"

"What?" Zed stood up straight and covered his Zband, "N-nothing, im fine. Let's just go in." She raised a brow but nodded as the two entered.

They ordered and sat down, beginning to talk. "Vanilla.. double vanilla.. vanilla.. can you guess what the last one is?" Y/n asked, bored by the clear wide variety of flavors. "Hmm.. vanilla?" Zed replied, smiling. "Hey, how'd ya know?" she laughed. "You guys have a wide variety of vanilla," He chuckled. The server came around and dropped off the ice cream, and Y/n thanked her.

"This is so Seabrook," Y/n shook her head unamusedly and started to eat. "I've always wanted to come here. Now finally, here I am with the most beautiful girl on a date," he grinned. "This is so great."

Y/n blushes but frowned, "You're so sweet, Zed." He raised a brow, "Isn't it great..?" he trailed off. "Is it really Zed? I mean, you're pretending to be someone you're not."

"You're pretending to be someone you're not. Why is it wrong when I'm doing it?" Zed asked. Y/n pulled back his sleeve to expose his Zband, and she took his hand. "It's not right. For either of us. I love who you really are, Zed. That's what makes you special and I love that. Changing ourselves isn't good. What needs to change is everybody else, not you and I." Y/n explained. "Baby, everything's great. Don't worry. I'll dial myself back to zombie mode and win the game." He smiled and Y/n nodded.


Starting next chapter things are going off the movie script and into completely new territory, I'm really excited! Can any of you try and guess what's going to happen at the football game?

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