4-Switching perspective

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Word count: 955

Third person pov.

The last few days had run as smooth as clockwork. Dice had done his job without complaint, even though he knew that he'd never see the pay. It didn't really matter to him, he was never into many trivial things.

This particular day, 4 days since the murder, had gone particularly smooth. That is, untill a drunk decided to take a swing at dice.

Knocked his head right from him.
It landed not too far away. His body acted on impulse, trying to get away from any possible danger. Multiple staff members, who had grown to be quite protective of the new version of Dice, stepped forward to solve the problem.

The man was, quite litterally, thrown out of the building. The staff members went to see if dice was ok, but when they arrived they soon learned that he wasn't exactly there anymore. A different version of him was not to far away, dusting him self off.

His eyes were normal looking now, he had three pips on each cheek, and his color scheme was a bit different.

He was still themed with purple, but it was a medium purple with muted pigmentation, opposed to the usual rich purple King was known to wear.

The die stands casually with half lidded eyes, adjusting the cuffs on his shirt. He looks up to see the small crowd of staff and eyes them up and down in an unconcerned manor.

"Heya. Y'all mind telling me where exactly I am?" He says, tone smooth, unwavering, and calm.

The group looks at each other, trying to decide who will explain. Jewel steps forward.

"You're in the devil's casino, doll. 'D1' works and resides here, but we uh, haven't really had contact with him for a lil' less than a week. But I assume you'd be King 'D6' dice then, hmm doll" she says, her tone naturally matching his in leisure.

The die smiles lazily. "Your assumption would be correct. I assume that I'll be filling in for him then, at least for a little?" He asks.

"Yea. I'll fill you in right here as to what his jobs usually are. He works the floor, man's the card table; both as a dealer and a watcher, occasionally backs up orders, and occasionally takes over shift at the bar. Oh, and he also preforms." She explains. He nods a bit.

"Well, for one, I'm not much good as a dealer and I don't think I would be much good at waiting tables, but I can work the floor and as a table spotter. And I'd be all too willing to take you up on that server position at the bar.
And, just a last note, I don't think you want me on that there stage, just trust me on that one, hun." He chuckles lightly at his last remark.

"Ok, then. Pirroetta, find us a new dealer, and tell the boss we got another one." She calls softly. Pirroetta gives a small nod and bounds off gracefully.

"Would you mind starting now? We're short as it is, and we can't afford to loose another staff member today." She asks.

"No problem." The die replies, giving a small quarter bow to the fair skinned dancer, and heading off towards the tables, hands in his pockets.

The die scouted the floors after taking a shift at the bar, which he was exceptionally well at. It had been a pretty easy day on his part- which he gladly took advantage of. His entire time on the floor, all he saw was fair play. Sure a couple of angry faces here and there, but that wasn't his job to take care of.

It was the late afternoon by the time he even had to do any work. A well dressed figure was playing at a nearby card table, when the dice noticed that the way his sleeve hung down was a bit unatural compared to the other. He sauntered over casually before walking over to the man and leaning on his shoulder. The weight pulled down the other's shoulder, and prompted him to glare sharply at the die.

"Excuse me, but just what do you think you're doing?" The man snears. The die shifts positions, propping his head up on his left hand, the elbow of his arm on the silver band on the table, still weighing the man down, so that he leans just slightly to the left.

"Oh, sir. I'm just here to see how your nights been goin'." He tells him.

"It's fine. Could you remove yourself from my shoulder?" The man asks snobbily.

"Do you know this casinos rules, regulations, restrictions, and policies; on cheating?"the dice asks calmly with a small knowing smile.

"Yes. It just so happens that I do. But I don't see how that it matters, seeing as I'm not cheating." The man grits his teeth and glares down at him.

The die's voice and eyes never changed from their relaxed and carefree position. He still smiled.

His hand moved faster than anyone could prepare for, and he swiped the cards planted in his jacket sleeve. He presented multiple aces, a few people gasped lightly as he turned and flipped them all between his fingers in a few skilled flicks. The man, knowing he'd been caught, raised his hand to strike the snooping die.

Just inches from his face, the hand was stopped. The die gripped his wrist , the man coiled forward in pain as the die twist hs wrist around towards the table. His smile dropped, but otherwise his expression didn't change. Neither did his voice.

"Sir, I really wouldn't wanna do that if I were you." He warned casually.


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