Chapter 3: Stopped ✔

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Haylee's POV.
I've been running on days end, only stopping once or twice a day to grab a quick drink. It's been two weeks since I left my home. My pack. My family. The boys. I don't know what to do without them. I was alone and terrified of the unknown world. Who knows what will happen to me now.

I paused my sprint near a small river. I walked up to it, sapping up the cool water. It felt nice going down my scorching throat. It cooled my throbbing lungs as well. I might as well hunt while I'm here too.

I hid behind a bush, pressing my body against the ground. A giant hare stepped in front of the bush. I waited a moment before lurching forward and snatching the hare in my jaws. Its blood filled my mouth slowly. I took the hare and rested near the river, devouring my yummy meal.

That's when I heard it, the howl of a Beta. I jumped up into a standing position. Glad I ate. I whipped my head in that direction of the howl, and I saw a beautiful, golden, brown wolf with dark green eyes. My breath cought, and I backed up, bowing my head at the higher ranking wolf.

His green eyes shimmered with amusement at my acts. How is it my fault that I have to obey the males and higher rankings? It's how I was raised to be. Not my fault. Anyway, the wolf stepped toward me, and I leaped back. Everytime he moved closer, I stepped backwards.

That was until my wolf tripped off the edge. That ticked his wolf off big time. He jumped over to me, grabbing my scruff, and pulling me to safety. He licked at my scruff as an apology, helping me up to my feet. I snarled at him. Why? Because he's the reason I fell off the cliff in the first place. He looked surprised by my actions and padded back a step.

"Don't touch us, you jerk! You're the reason that we fell off that stupid cliff anyway! Back off!" Aura, my wolf, yelled.

"It's your fault for moving back when I came forward," the Beta scoffed, clearly amused.

"You had no right what so ever to even come near me and my human," Aura barked.

"Feisty. Good, let's see how you handle this with my Alpha's sons. And let me tell you, there are three. So watch that adorable attitude of yours and be a good little girl," he replied.

"Leave me alone!" my wolf and I ordered. We started to run, and he chased us. Once he was back in his human form, he tackled me to the ground. He shoved my snout into the dirt, silently ordering me to shift into my human form. When I finally obeyed, he grabbed my wrists.

"Don't push me to hurt such a good girl with a dirty mouth," he taunted.

"That's enough, Tyler! Now!" Suddenly, three large wolves poured out of the tree line.

"Y-yes, Alphas," Tyler stuttered, leaving go of my abdomen and chest, crouching back.

"And he thought I would be the one scared," I mumbled lowly as sarcasm laced in my voice.

"What was that, Rogue?" Beta Tyler yelled at me.

"Nothing, sir," I replied sarcastically. "If you didn't hear me the first time, then you weren't meant to hear it. Besides, I'm a Third in Command's daughter. I wouldn't be terrified of an Alpha."

"No wonder I smelt power radiating off your body. I love girls with power. Others are okay, but your kind is my favorite," one of the Alpha boys said.

"I'm Caden, and these are my knucklehead brothers over here. That is Drake on you left and Noah on your right," another, or I should say, Caden, announced. So the first one who spoke was Noah. Were these the three Alphas that thus Tyler dude was rambling on about?

"And I care why?" I asked.

"Because. You should call us by our real names with Alpha in front. You know, since you'll be our Third in Command's sub," Drake answered.

To continue: 13-14 views
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