Epilogue ❌

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Haylee's POV.
"What's going to happen?" I asked Jace as he jumped on a high tree branch at the edge of the clearing where Hanns, Caden, and Zander were fighting.

"I have no idea, little one," he answered. I stared down at the fight from Jace's lap.

Hanns's POV.
He will pay for hurting my girl like that. I tackled Zander, who was trying to get the advantage of hurting Caden.
Zander snarled, his back legs slid across my abdomen to get me off of him. I growled right back.

"You better leave and never speak to Haylee again. If we catch you communicating with her in any way, we will hunt you down, and you'll pay the price," Caden barked.

"Fine. I want nothing to do with that bitch anyway."

"I'll kill you," I raged. I went to rip into his chest, but Drake tackled me, holding me down.

"Dude, calm down," he said.

"He will not talk about Haylee like that and get away with it," I growled.

"LEAVE!" Caden snarled. Zander obeyed, leaving with a growl, racing off into the forest.

"Can we stay with you?" I heard a female whimper in fright. I tilted my head to see Haylee's friends and their brothers.

Caden and I shared a glance, staring back at them.

"Sure," we replied at the same time.

"We need to join forces, Hanns," Noah told me.

"I know. Joining packs is wise, becoming allies, or combining territories and my pack stays on one side while yours stay where they are?" I questioned.

"Combining territories and your pack stays on one side while ours stay where they are," Drake repeated, thinking it over. "Sounds like a plan."

"Cool beans, now get off of me," I sighed.

"Oh, right." Drake slowly released me and sat down beside Noah.

"Hanns!" I turned my head to catch Haylee sprinting in her wolf form.

She shifted back, wrapping her delicate arms around my neck when I was in reach. Heisitantly, I shifted back, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"You idiot!" she yelled shoving me to the ground so I was pinned under her. Everyone laughed as they left the clearing. "If it weren't for Caden, you would've been killed!"

"Little one, calm down," I ordered.

"Calm down! You want me to calm down?" Haylee screeched.

"Yes," I nodded.

"You were almost killed! How could I be calm about tha-"

I was done with her babbling, so I pulled her head down for a kiss.

Haylee's POV.
I traced Hanns's abs as he kissed me firmly. He carefully flipped us so that I was on the ground with him on top. He pulled away, smiling when I rolled my eyes.

"Jerk, you only did that to shut me up," I whined.

"Maybe, maybe not," he shrugged.

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"Hate you even more."

"Love me," he faked a hurt whine.

"Never," I grinned.

"That'll change quickly, baby doll," he smirked, diving in to capture my lips with his.

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