Chapter 4: New Pack ✔

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Note: Name: '...' = mind link and who says what!

Noah's POV.
Okay, so there are four siblings in my family. There's Drake, Caden, me (Noah), and our little 19 year old sister, Jane. I am the youngest of all my brothers. So the line of siblings, born the first to the last, is Caden (22), Drake (21), me (20), and last but not least, Jane (19). Yeah, pretty big family if you ask me.

"Thanks for the offer, but I have to decline. You want to know why? Because I know you are just going to force me to be a pack member of yours, and I am a solo wolf. I do not need a pack to survive," the female said.

"Look, chikidie (chic-i-de), you either come willingly, or we play a game called resistance for three days and see what happens," I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan, bud," Caden told me.

"What do you say, girly?" Drake asked.

"I say you and your Beta are all stupid for asking me that. I won't join your pack, even if it meant having the world as my prize. I was kicked out of my old pack, so I don't want to suffer through that aga..."

"You were what?" Caden screamed. Geez, I've never, in my life, seen Caden so angry or irritated so bad that he looked like killing someone, was his objective. Yeah, sure, we younger siblings got on his nerves sometimes-more like every second we could-but he never looked like this. He still loved us no matter how bad we annoyed him.

Caden's POV.
"Yeah. I was kicked out of my old pack. I lost my parents, I lost my home, my pack. I lost everything I ever loved and cared about! And you think you can take me in and bandage the part of my soul that was left there? No way! You can never patch the part of me that was lost! I was thinking about joining a new pack, but I don't ever want to suffer the pain I felt leaving my first home again," the girl sobbed.

The poor little thing. She never had a chance to live a happy life with her pack. Huh, I wonder why her Alpha kicked her out. That is the real question here, but, my heart was breaking uncontrollably. I didn't want to see her like this. It killed me. I walked to the crying girl, and I wrapped my arms around her waist. She eased her sobs, slowly calming down.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly. I just wanted to soothe her. She was lost, scared, and broken.

"Why are you doing this for me?" she questioned quietly.

"Because of two reasons," I answered. My brothers were watching, yes, I know, but I still held her close.

"Well, for one, I want you to join my pack, two I want you happy, and three...well...I just want to know your name," I said.

The girl looked up at me, cocking a brow in amusement while she commented,, "I hope you do know that you miscounted and said three reasons instead of two."

"I know," I replied. "But will you join us?" I asked.

"Why not? It's not like I have anything better to do. But note something for everyone," she answered.


"I'm higher ranked than your whole pack, except for you, your brothers, your mates, your Beta and his mate."

"What about my Third in Commands?" I asked, curious of the answer.

"Ranked the same. I just said that a few minutes ago. I am the Third in Command's daughter from Crystal Moon Pack. Haylee Simms."

"I love it," I breathed slowly. I pulled at her waist, inhailing and kissing at her neck.

"You can't have me. You're not my mate," Haylee said stubbornly.

Haylee's POV.
"But it would be fun to pretend. Just one night," Caden whispered.

"I barely know you and your already trying to hit on me. Your just like the Alpha's and Beta's sons back at my old pack. They told me a few years ago that they had a crush on someone in the pack. And I just found out the other week that it was actually me the whole time. I miss them," I explained.

"Oh..." Caden mumbled.

"So that means, the Alpha's kids of your old pack are..." Noah started.

"Hanns and Jace. Am I correct?" Drake finished, looking over at me. I nodded in response.

"And you know them how?" I asked.

"Because they're our friends. Along with Jake and Dexter, the Beta's kids," Noah answered.

"Well, you, Caden, can yell at Hanns because you cannot have me," I stated.

"What do you mean?" Caden questioned.

Caden's POV.
"Well, he's the one who keeps the boys away from me, like the overprotective pup he is. That's why he was my favorite boy in my pack. Not even my dad beat him," Haylee whispered. Her lips were brushing against my ear, and it was turning me on.

"Don't do that to me," I mumbled.

"What? This?" she teased, brushing her lips against mine and my jaw.

"Haylee, don't do it," I warned. She's going to make my wolf take her along with our unfound mate.

"Cough, cough! Hey lovies! Come on," joked Drake. Haylee, blushed like mad and turned her gaze towards the forest like nothing happened. I growled at my little brother and he chuckled.

Noah: 'Looks like someone's being a little protective right now.'

Drake: 'Haha, yeah.'

Noah: 'Does someone have a crush?'

Caden: 'Does someone want to be drowned by a toilet?'

Drake and Noah: 'No! Sorry Bro! Don't kill us!'

Caden: 'You better be good little boys then. Or else, I will have to use my Third in Command girl over here to whoop your butts.'

Drake and Noah: 'Yes, sir!'

Tyler (Beta): 'Good luck you two.'

Caden: 'Who said you weren't going to get the punishment too?'

"Mind linking I see." Haylee's voice was the only thing that brought me back to reality.

To continue: 17-18 views
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