Chapter 8: The Incident ✔

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Hanns POV.
"I'm not a puppy!" I whined again. Caden struggled underneath me, trying to get free from my hold.

"You are my pup! Don't argue with me anymore! You are a pup, my pup, end of story!" Haylee barked back. I shivered at her tone against me. Man, it kills me that she's not my mate.

"Am I understood?" Haylee taunted.

"Yes, ma'am," I bowed my head slightly. Dang it! I'm the Alpha and she should listen to me not the other way around. Caden struggled again.

"Good, now off Caden. You're crushing the poor kid," she ordered.

"But I'm not a-" Caden said.

"Do I have to put you down and put you in your place, or are you going to shut your trap and be thankful that I am even yelling at Hanns?" Haylee snapped.

"I'll shut up," Caden whimpered. I pushed my weight off of Caden, and got off him. He stood up, shook out the dirt from his fur, and sat down beside me. His bothers sat next to him along with Tyler, his Beta. My brothers and Betas did the same, except they sat down beside me.

I was the last one standing. I gazed at Haylee, who in return, glared at me, mind linking me to sit down before she came over here. Not being crazy, I sat down beside Caden's sitting figure.

"Good, now that the puppies are in place, Jane?"

"Okay. Now boys, Haylee and I are the only females here, so that means you guys will be obeying us," Jane spoke proudly.

"Don't listen to me, listen to Jane. I'm the worst at ordering boys around," Haylee whimpered. I humorously chuckled softly at her words.

"Then how did you get two Alpha boys to stop fighting?" Jace asked. Dumb move my little brother, dumb move. Not even thirty seconds later, Jace was pinned under Haylee. My good girl. She takes after her favorite male, me.

"Now, now, my little Haylee. Don't kill him" I teased. Haylee glared at me, her eyes softening as the seconds ticked by. She nodded, giving Jace a death growl afterwards. She got off him, walking up to the door steps and pausing. She looked at someone, Caden.

She looked at him with some type of emotion that she never showed or asked me growing up...and I hate that she looked at him with that look....she looked at him...

Caden's POV.
She looked at me with loving and pleading eyes for help. I cocked my head slightly, wondering why she looked at me with those eyes. It pained me. It pained me because I did not know or understand why she looked at me with those eyes for help.

Hanns snarled and pounced on me. We bared our teeth and slashed at each others throats as we rolled down through the forest. What did I do now?

He kept sapping his jaws and biting at my neck. We crashed in to a tree making it snap. It came falling down onto Hanns and me. Five minutes flew by and Haylee emerged from the trail, looking each way.

Hanns and I yelped with joy to see her. She cought our gazes, and she rushed up to us. She pushed an pulled at the tree, but only managed to release me.

Hanns POV.
Haylee got Caden out in about ten minutes.

"Caden! Where are you going?" Haylee called as Caden paced away from the tree.

"Home," he replied.

"But I need your help to get Hanns out," she wolfly pouted.

"He attacked me, so no. You'll figure out how to get him out alone." With that, he left.

"Hanns," Haylee cried.

"What is, baby girl?" I asked in a worried tone.

"I'll get you out, just hold on, okay? Don't leave me alone, please. I need you with me," Haylee whimpered.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm fine," I softly soothed her. Haylee stood up and walked to the end of the log and started pushing with all her might. She pushed, panted, pushed, panted. Basically doing the routine over and over again.

I pushed my legs under me a few times, eventually managing to jump from under the heavy wood and to safety with Haylee at my side.

"Thank you," I said as I nuzzled her soft, wet nose with mine.

"For what? You freed yourself," she looked at me.

"Because you didn't leave my side. You stayed with me until it was over. Until I was free again," I explained.

"I would do anything for you Hanns," she rambled. We shifted back into our human forms and stared at each other.

"Really? Anything?" I asked cocking a brow. She nodded, looking down at my chest.

"Is it just me, or did I just feel cold air?" Haylee questioned, looking around. I know exactly what she wants. She wants to be closer to me right now. I chuckled at the dirty ideas running throughout my mind.

"If you're cold, you know I'm right here to warm you up," I evilly taunted. She wasted no time in scooching closer to me, curling up in my bare chest.

"If you would do anything for me, then kiss me, Haylee."

Her body froze, and her breathing stopped. She looked at me with more than just the friendship love I've grown up to know. Now, it's far more deeper than that. Deeper than crush love. Slightly lower than mate love.

Haylee kissed my jaw softly. I felt her tongue slide up and into my mouth. I knew this was it. I just knew it.

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