Her Blue Ink|04

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It was like a dark mass flying over us, a dark cloud of misery sucking the emotions from our bodies.

Everyone was silent, the ear-piercing sound of leaves crunching under our black heals and shoes was like a symphony playing for our suffering.  I couldn't control the pain, it was waves of pure grief as my powers crackled against my smooth fingertips.

Bella clutched to my hand, her heart-wrenching sobs shook my soul.  Andrew and Mari were loved by all of us, their voices were a rapture of pure joy that none of us could have back.  My aunt sat in the front, her face stained with tears while my mother held her hand tightly to the point you could physically see the circulation being loss but yet neither let go.

It wasn't the dark clouds that brought our spirits that low, or the pain we already felt overflowing in waves crashing upon us.  The dark mass was the hatred each person felt as we looked at the men standing at the doors of the funeral home. It was their cold expression and the agony everyone felt when we were told we couldn't see Andrew or Mari's body.

It was an endless amount of pain, it was like drowning in grief and torment. All we saw infront of us were two caskets, to closed caskets of our loved ones that we wouldn't see again.

~30 minutes Later~

The car ride was gunt renching silence, twisting around into knots at people looked at the cars in silence on the streets.

Everyone knew, because many of them had suffered the same painful loss we had. You could see it in every person's eye that you passed, the glass not even a barrier to the sadness and pity inside their eyes as they stopped and bowed as a sign of respect.

It was the quiet sobs of Bella, the whispers of living words to my aunt's belly she kept speaking to help her cope with the heavy pain weighing down in her chest. She would gain a child, but lost two and nobody but her would understand the loss of loosing their child unless they had expirenced the feeling first hand.

The car ride was long, bumpy and a empty silence stabbing into our skin like ice from a cold day.  Yet it was summer, but the day seemed gloomy with rain as it cried along with our tears trying to wash away our grief. 

We were driving towards the cliff, somewhere Andrew had taken Mari and I once summer evening. It was a place where the sun shines the brightest, and the stars were shown for miles. Using some of my college funs, I bought the land on the cliff for my cousin's. My aunt had sobbed in my arms for hours, and my parents didn't show even the slightest bit of anger when I had handed her the papers.

This was my tribute to the people I lost, the boy who had so many plans. The boy who was about to become a man, who was ready to take on the world and marry the woman of his dreams. The boy who wanted to be a architect, and stuffed his face way to big. It was my tribute to the little girl who had barely started high school, who hadn't shined the way she was supposed to, for the girl who wanted to sing to the world. The little girl who hadn't expirenced her first love, her first prom or even her first heartbreak and my aunt had cried about that with me and my mother.

Her Blue Ink|18+Where stories live. Discover now