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Chapter 4: Answered

"Where do you live," Griffin asked.

Alice was slowly coming back to her senses. With the body out of site and the adrenaline leaving her body she soon began to feel the pain in her head. 

"Down there," she pointed and the two began to walk.

Alice lightly pushed Griffin's hands off her. She was so confused about everything. How had be been there? Where did he get the gun and how did he use it so expertly?

The two walked in silence for a moment before Alice turned to Griffin, "Why were you at the shop?"

Griffin let his head turn as they continued down the deserted street, "We can talk when we get inside."

Alice stumbled as her vision swam. Griffin grabbed her before the hit the brick wall.

The rest of the journey was silent until Alice and Griffin were in her apartment with the door locked.

Griffin sat her down on the edge of her bed and checked to make sure there was no glass in her arms and hands.

Once finished, Alice went to the kitchen and grabbed herself a wine glass. She poured the wine up to the top.

Taking a long sip, Alice looked at Griffin waiting for him to answer her question.

"I'd like to fix your head," he said gesturing to Alice's still bleeding wound.

She nodded grabbed her first aid kit out, sitting it on her counter. Griffin pointed at the stool and Alice took a seat.

"I was only passing by when I saw the commotion," Griffin lied smoothly as he dabbed Alice's head.

Wincing Alice but stayed silent.

"I saw the gunman and instinctively shot."

The room was silent as Griffin skillfully attended to her wound.

"I don't believe you," Alice finally said after another moment of silence.

Griffin paused mid-dab. No one had ever questioned him before. Alice pushed Griffin's hand away from her head.

Griffin stood folding his muscular arms. They flexed in agitation at Alice's words.

"You- you have something going on. I haven't quite figured it out," Alice began still sitting on the kitchen stool, "Always walking around with two cronies behind you. You are secretive and calculative."

Griffin stood straighter. His face grew stern, but his eyes held something of amusement in them.

"You're right. I did lie."

Alice watched as Griffin began to walk around her,"The truth is, I heard the men go into the shop. I was down the street."

"I walked over to see what was going on because I assumed you weren't inviting five hooded men into the bakery."

Alice listened to Griffin speak. He was taking slow steps with his arms now behind his back.

"That doesn't explain how you shot that man so precisely, "Alice ventured.

Griffin smirked, "You're right. It doesn't."

Griffin stopped his slow procession and turned to face Alice. She was intrigued, scared, and excited all at the same time.

As Griffin had been pacing he had come closer and closer to Alice. They were now inches away.

"I just have very good eye-hand coordination, " he said softly.

They were so close Alice could feel Griffin's breath. He let his eyes settle on hers. They were like this for only a moment, then Griffin stepped back. Breaking the trance.

Alice stood quickly not liking how close the two had gotten, "Thank you for saving my life, but you should probably leave now."

"Okay. But do wrap that wound, you wouldn't want it to get infected."

Griffin left and Alice closed her door. She turned and leaned against it, taking a deep breath.

Griffin walked out of the building and down the street. He reached for his phone and began making calls.

He was taking care of the mess he had made.

Griffin was still confused himself about why he saved her. She was just another girl. Why did he care? Maybe it was the way she blushed, or when she asked about him every time she believed he was out of earshot, or how she pushed her hair behind her ear whenever he entered the shop.

Griffin wasn't sure, but whatever it was it had some kind of hold on him. Something he didn't like. He was not used to falling prey to someone else. Others were the prey. He was the predator.

Griffin made his last phone call as his car pulled up alongside him.

He entered swiftly. Inside there were two girls. They smiled, greeting him with their boobs rather than words.

Griffin pulled the girl to his left closer to him. She giggled and loosened his necktie.

He leaned down and kissed her neck gently. Once and then twice. On the third kiss, he let his fangs slowly slide out of his perfectly straight teeth and sink into the girl's artery.

She moaned not in pleasure, but pain. The other girl did not notice as she ran her fingers through his hair and nibbled on his ear.

The girl's blood flowed easily. Griffin drained her quickly letting her slump to the floor, then turned to the second girl.

He wasted no time and sliced her artery with his fangs. She too was drained within seconds. 

Griffin let her lay alongside her friend. Licking his lips he pulled out his phone and continued his business as usual.

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