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Chapter 8: Next

Alice laid down in her bed after watching Griffin drive off. She passed out quickly.

The next morning she woke up with a head ache. Her body ached slightly and even opening her eyes made her head spin.

Alice's white walls seemed too bright.

She slowly made it to her kitchen and grabbed a glass filling it with water. Alice drank the entire glass then made her way to her medicine cabinet. 

Once Alice's headache had subsided slightly, she sat back in bed pulling her laptop onto her lap.

Alice was curious. If Griffin hung out with mobsters and crime families was he part of one?

She opened it and typed into the Google search bar, Griffin Eton.

The searches came up. There were many images of him in a tux looking dashing as usual. There were ones of him smile and other of him looking very serious.

Alice did see a photo with Griffin and the girl Kayla. They both were smiling. It looked like they were at some sort of banquet. Very similar to the one from last night.

Scrolling back to the websites, Alice looked at the websites that had his name in them.

There were a few articles on Griffin but not a lot. They talked about him giving money to charity and such.

Alice opened another tab and searched, Boshnia Family.

This came up with a lot. There were pictured of many of the people Alice had seen last night. The two love birds. Many of the older men.

There were many articles with titles like "Illegal Activity?", or "Is the Mafia still around?", and "Who Will Answer... Unexplained disappearances."

Alice read a few articles and scrolled through photos. There were images very similar to the ones about Griffin. Men dressed neatly at banquet halls.

While Alice read these articles she became more and more nervous. There were people disappearing.


Reading article after article of mobster and mafia names, dates, deaths, and shootouts, Alice was tensely seated on her bed.

She nervously looked around her room. Alice knew no one was there but the thought of being in a banquet hall last night with all of those murderers.... it scared her.

One article had names of everyone in their family. They had apparently always been Mafia. There family had been caught back in the 60s.

They now claimed to be putting the illegal business behind them.

There were old pictures of their family, from the 30s. Alice scrolled through.

Alice noticed in one of the pictures in, the back, there was a man who looked exactly like Griffin.

It would makes sense. If Griffin was in this whole mobster business his family would of been too.

Alice stared at the identical face of Griffin. Their family traits were carried very well.

Alice studied the image for a few more moments. Staring at each face intently.

There was a harsh knock on her door. Alice jump. Her laptop fell off her lap.

Picking her laptop off the floor she set it on her night stand gently. Slowly she made her way to the door.

Alice peered out of her peep hole. It was Griffin. He was standing very close to her door.

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