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seniors in high school. eleven goes by jane since she was adopted. requested by fangurrrrlll.

Third Person POV

When Michael Wheeler rode into the parking lot, everyone got quiet. His sassy girlfriend, Jane Hopper, got off the back of his motorcycle and dusted off her cheerleading uniform.

"See ya after practice?" she asked before smacking her gum.
"Course, babe," he replied while taking off his helmet. He kissed her on the check before adjusting his leather jacket and walking into school.


"Leave me alone. Go away!" Nathan shouted. Troy was bigger, tougher, and stronger. He punched him in the nose. Troy grabbed Nathan's feet while his little minion picked him up by his arms.

"Didn't all that science teach you anything about punching? C'mon nerd, let's go again!" he taunted as Nathan cowered.

"Hey! Is there a problem?" Michael shouted from across the lot.
"N-no! Why would you think there's a problem? Nathan here was just helping me with my homework," Troy stuttered.

"Funny. I don't believe a single word of that."
"I-it's true! Right, Nathan?" Troy said, beginning to sweat. Nathan looked back and forth between the two boys, struggling to decide what to do.

"Yeah. I was helping him with geometry. His paper flew into that dumpster. That's why he was about to throw me in," Nathan lied.
"Well, seeing as you've already helped him so much, I think he can get his own paper."

Nathan gasped as Michael Wheeler hoisted Troy into the dumpster before walking over to his Harley and kissing his girlfriend.

The best known badass in school just beat up Troy, a jock, to defend Nathan, one of the biggest nerds in school. Hawkins was definitely a strange town.

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