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they're in high school cause i have a special love for future mileven

Third Person POV

The fire crackled in the cold air. William Byers played his guitar as all his friends sang along. They were gathered around a campfire for one last hangout before some of them left for college.

Dustin sat beside Katie, his year long girlfriend. They were holding hands and practically making heart eyes at each other.
Lucas and Max were cuddled in a blanket and swaying softly to the music.

Eleven Hopper sat on her boyfriends lap, hugging him tightly. She wanted to be as close to him as she could before he left.

"I'll miss you. So very much," she whispered into his ear.
"I know. I'll miss you too. But there's nothing we can do. I have to go to college, and you have to finish high school," Mike replied.

"I know. I just..I..I love you," she said, looking him in the eye. They'd never said it before. It was implied, sure, but they were so young.

Did they really know what Love was? Eleven had never thought she understood it fully until now. She knew. She loved Mike with all her heart.

"I love you too," he replied quietly. She kissed his lips softly before laying her head on his shoulder.

Will's boyfriend, Daniel, had come back with more marshmallows. The group passed them around, making s'mores and laughing with each other.

Everyone would be heading to college tomorrow. Everyone except El. But she was okay now..now that she knew he Loved her.

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