2-Save Myself

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"And all the ones that love me they just left me on the shelf. No farewell" --Ed Sheeran


Gaia Theoroi thought no one was there for her. Even with her parents and friends she always felt as if someone or something, maybe, was missing.
She always ended up alone. And it wasn't on purpose. It just happened. Coincidental. Every fucking time.
So when she found a boy holding her hand and preventing her from falling, saying that she was shocked would be an understatement.

She was used to being alone. At first, it was lonely but as time went by she seemed to have found some kind of comfort in the loneliness.
Her parents were too busy working. Her friends were too oblivious to notice.
Of course, her friends were supportive. They actually cared more than her parents ever would but they never understood. No one did.
No one ever understood her feelings.

She knew no one's life was perfect but she wished and hoped that no one goes through what she went through. Her life was a mess. Everything was all over the place. They couldn't be sorted. She had tried but failed.
When she thought about losing her life, it felt like the perfect solution. And now that this boy was trying to stop her she couldn't help but feel angry.

All her life no one was there for her, with her and now that she was about to take her life, she suddenly found someone trying to stop her. Save her. 'Oh the irony', she thought to herself.
She didn't need saving. All she needed was freedom. And that's exactly what she intended to have until, well, this boy.

"Are you crazy!?!!" the boy shrieked. Gaia was already angry at him for pulling her up and after hearing his outburst she felt her anger rise up to a notch.

"Don't you have any respect for the life you have? Do you really think suicide is the answer?" the boy shouted at her.
"Hey! You're no one to ask me that. I know what I was doing okay." She couldn't help but shout back, "You have no idea what I've been through. So you don't get to judge me based on one incident."

"Yeah right, just because you went through some difficult stuff, you think killing yourself is the only idea. A smart decision there." the boy snorted at this.
Hearing this, Gaia's anger flared up. "Smart decision you say. After everything I've been through, this is the only decision left for me." Gaia retorted. 'Fucking timing', Gaia thought to herself. if this boy would have been late for a few seconds, she would already have been dead.

"Look I don't know what you've been through but maybe getting some help would seem like a wiser option, you know." the boy replied softly, after noticing her blotchy red eyes.
"I know and I tried okay. But nothing worked. I'm dysfunctional. I'm a mess. No one can save me. I couldn't even save myself," Gaia tried to reason with him, "So let me be and go away. I'm used people leaving me anyways."

"Hey! I'm not leaving you here alone. God knows the moment I turn my back on you and you'll be halfway there," he said pointing below towards the sea, "So no, I'm not leaving." the boy shuddered thinking about what would've happened if he reached a minute late.

Gaia opened her mouth to say something when the boy interrupted her, "Ah-ah. Not a single word. We're leaving this place right now. C'mon, let's go."
Gaia just stood there staring at the boy like he suddenly grew two heads. She could see in his eyes the determination he held as if challenging her to jump down right in front of him.
Noticing this he asked irritably, "What?"

"You know for a stranger you sure seem hell-bent on stopping me. And hello? I don't even know your name. How can I even trust you?" Gaia questioned raising her eyebrow.
"One, that's humanity. And two, I would've introduced myself to you if you would've given me a chance. I'm Adam, by the way. And lastly, I just saved you, didn't I?  So I think you can trust me." the boy replied with sass, putting his hand forward for a shake.

Given the situation, this boy- Adam does talk a lot, Gaia thought.
Sighing, she introduced herself, "I'm Gaia," ignoring his offer to shake hands.

"Well now that we've cleared that up, I suggest we should get going," Adam said and started walking. "Whoa whoa hold up, I'm not going anywhere with you," Gaia stated firmly. Adam turned around and stared at Gaia, challengingly. Not giving up, Gaia stared right back at him.

After a moment, he averted his eyes and said, "Okay then,"
Gaia was relieved when she realized he was finally giving up, although the feeling of loneliness resurfaced she tried to push it back and ignore it.

"You've given me no choice," Adam stated making Gaia confused. In one swift movement, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulders and started walking. It took a while for Gaia to register the events but the moment she realized, she started throwing angry punches on his back. "Hey!! Put me down right now," she started yelling but it seemed like Adam was determined to take her out of there.

She continued throwing punches at him and kept on cursing at him but Adam just laughed at her feeble attempts and continued walking to his car. On reaching, he opened the door oh his car and placed Gaia on the passenger seat.

"If you think I'm going somewhere with you then you're dead wrong," Gaia stated glaring at him with icy cold eyes. Starting up his car, Adam shrugged nonchalantly, "Well too bad you're in my car now. You're lucky that I didn't report this to the police." he knew that it would shut her up and it did.
Gaia knew that getting the police involved would only mean getting her parents and friends involved. And she didn't want that.

"So now, we're going to get coffee and you're going explain me the reason behind that atrocious action of yours," seeing that Gaia opened her mouth to interrupt him when he held up a finger and spoke, "I know you're going to say that I'm a stranger but after what we just went through, I don't think I'm a stranger anymore," Adam stated with finality evident in his tone.
Puffing out a breath, Gaia crossed her arms and sat back. Adam grinned because he knew he won in this. He was curious about her actions. And he was adamant on finding out the reason. Or rather, reasons.

Gaia knew she couldn't get out of this. Adam seemed pretty adamant to her. She didn't want any risk of others finding out about this. What she was about to do was absolutely nuts and she knew that. But after this, she hoped with whatever amount of belief that was left in her that a new start might await her. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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