Chapter 32.2:- The creature in the woods

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I shouldn't have doubted Hunter, he was just useless.

"How can you forget the way!" I screamed, "you were in charge of one thing, one thing!"

He nervously scratched his head, "Well... as useless as the car was it did have navigation... and now we don't."

I clenched my fists in anger. There were only three explanations for his stupidity:- a) he was faking it and b) he really was stupid and c) he was damn good at acting.

"Now what do we do?" Cassy asked, "We're lost in the forest in the middle of nowhere!"

A sign escaped my lips as I looked around, as far as my eyes stretched pine trees covered the muddy surface.

"Where were we when we got off the road?" Cassy asked, "did we atleast cross California?"

A laugh escaped Hunters lips, "Oh we didn't even cross Las Vegas."

A cry escaped her lips as she sat on a rock attached to the pine. "I never should've left him alone." She cried, "I am so stupid!"

I would've agreed but her math was right after mine and mine was awesome. "It's... okay," I said while glaring at Hunter, "we'll figure it out."

I put my hand on her shoulder but she swatted it away. "It won't be okay! For all I know that cleanliness freak could be right after us! I mean it doesn't take this long to clean some mud!"

She was partially right but this was the Goddess of sanitation we were talking about, despite three showers I still had mud in my ears, wounds and on Gravity. Considering how clean her restaurant was, we were ahead of her by the margin of three days (maybe even half a year if there were all sorts of worms on the soil).

But then there was Hunter, the snitch. I wanted to show  Cassy his true colours but then I would have to tell her about my unusual dreams and how I could summon my power and well she was pretty unhinged right then.

"We can take a lift as soon as we get out," Hunter suggested, "I mean we're going to find something anyways."

I wanted to hit his stupid pretty face.

"We don't ask strangers for lift."

He shrugged, "In India we often marry them."

A snicker escaped Cassy's lips in between her cries. I didn't blame her, it was pretty funny. But funny wasn't going to make him any much less of a traitor or an idiot.

"We have to get to Vegas... I... I think I know what to do."

The two of them stared at me, awaiting for my answer. "Well?" Hunter started, "what are you going to do?"

I narrowed my eyes and mimicked his words in a highly pitched voice. "What are you going to do?"

He looked hurt, "You're really mean."

Really? I thought I was a sweetheart.

I rolled my eyes and strode forwards, nervously rubbing the strand of Gravity. "I think we should head east... we were closing in on Vegas, weren't we?"

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