Chapter 11: Last Time

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Hyejin POV

Chanyeol asked something which made us totally freeze completely.

I mean he did help us can he move too fast. THEY WERE THE ONE WHO CHEATED.

chanyeol.... I know.. But its forgive... But i know we be atleast be friends. Y/n said.

Y/n...Gomawo... jjincha....gomawo. Chanyeol said.

Then they shaked their hands.

I got to agree.... its y/n afterall.

Your POV

Us and the rest of EXO became friends.

I know they changed. I hope chanyeol will be able to stay like this.

My life blossomed with thorns and it became a beautiful flower.

I'm happy that we are friends again...

No one's POV

You made the wrong choice...

We will kill BlackDiamonds...

We told you to stay away from them. But you didnt listen. Just wait....we will take their life EXO... You shouldve accepted that you and B.D are nothing... But now you are friends again...

I will make sure you will regret your choice... I will... Watch everymove. I can kill them anytime...

Be prepared for the consiquences...

The guy thought while smirking his mouth off.

(Die you son of a bitch- it's you who made the story like this. I know i know but isnt a mystery make the story better?)

Back to your POV

EXO and our group have been having fun...they really did change. I'm happy.

They made us happy unlike BTS. They made us feel were special unlike BTS.

And lastly... They Like us for who we are....unlike BTS.

I hope this friendship last.


Ugh...exo really did it this time... Namjoon said.

It's all because of that stupid threat. Jungkook said.

I know...we have been hurting them alot. Yoongi said.

"We" there is no "we" there yoongi... You were the one who hurted them most. Jin said.

I know but- yoongi was cut off by hoseok.

But did'nt we agree?! That WE WILL NOT HURT THEM! BUT NO! YOU HURT THEM THE MOST YOONGI! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT- hoseok was punched by namjoon.

THAT'S ENOUGH! WE ARE ALL AT FAULT HERE! SO ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! namjoon said while shouting at his members.

They all stayed silent...

I'm sorry guys...its just that... We've been such assholes ya'know. They are girls...we are boys...

We are much stronger in physical states...and yoongi you shouldnt have punched and kick y/n too much. Namjoon their leader said.

I'm not saying this as a friend...but as a leader. Namjoon said.

Ah!Fuck! Jungkook cursed.

And jungkook gulped at the sight of jin making him regret his actions.


Y-yes h-hyung. Jungkook said while stuttering.

Jin sighed.

Where's jimin? Jin asked.

Hyung!I'm right here BEHIND NAMJOON HYUNG! AM I REALLY THAT SMALL.?!?! an irritated pink faced mochi said.

Oops mianhe.. Jin said.

Whatever hyung. Jimin sais.

Back to your POV

My sisters and I have been with exo the entire time and now we are here at the bubble tea shop having a drink.

Ah... I really appriciate you guys for being here with us. I said.

No problem at all y/n. Kai said.

So have anymore plans.? Suho asked.

Well we are attending a ball tomorrow so maybe buy a dress. Hyejin said.

Ok let's go! Hyerin said.

We went out of the shop and exo was behind us.

No one's POV

Exo was behind B.D. paying the bills.

But exo had the wrong choice of staying behind B.D.

They dont know B.D. is getting killed any second now.

B.D was hit by A truck with a huge impact.

Blood was all over the place.

The moment exo went out after paying the bills. Regret and tears have filled their eyes. They rushed to B.D. who was running out of life to live.

The driver of the truck was smiling...he was the one who killed B.D.

Your POV

I looked up to see chanyeol crying.

D-dont..cry.. I said in a weak tone in there ok.... Chanyeol said.

I looked to the both my sides and saw my sisters almost dying... I couldnt protect them..

Memories started flashing in my mind..... I will treasure my last words. I didnt regret to say it.

You..know I really..did... I said my last words while trying to touch his face but too bad...

My life ended...before i can even say goodbye.

I'm going to WORLD...

Author's POV

B.D. died in this chapter...
Are you crying... Dont worry its not the ending will exo live from now on?

How will BTS react?

See you in the next chapter.


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