By Your Side

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Tonight was the first football game of the season. Thomas was the starting quarterback, and Brenda was cheer captain. Teresa, Newt and Minho had come up with something to wear, to support Thomas. He had been nervous all week, but this would let him know that they were there for him. 

They all wore shirts with the first letter of their name:







Newt wore the O, because Gally and Frypan wanted to hold up his number, 12. On the back of their shirts, it spelled, "Go Brenda!" They were still her best friends, so Teresa had to do something for them. 

They arrived at the school, just before kick-off. They ran to the bleachers, and tried to get Thomas and Brenda attention. They showed them their creative shirts, and Thomas gave them the thumbs up, he looked relaxed too! They turned around to show Brenda hers, but she just waved them off. Teresa felt like Brenda didn't care about her anymore, like she had just become friends with get to Thomas. 

Teresa got that thought out of her mind, telling herself it wasn't true. 

The game started and they were up 14-9. Thomas ran a play-action (fake pass and run) and sprinted off. He was yards away from the end zone, right before he was tackled, and HIT IN THE HEAD. Thomas went down hard, not coming back up. Teresa immediately tried to run from the bleachers, but Gally took a hold of her, "hey you can't go out their Ter. He'll be fine, don't worry." Thomas still hadn't moved and a stretcher was being brought out. His parent were on the field, with the medical trainer and coach. All had worried looks. Teresa turned towards Brenda who hadn't even realized what had happened. She was too busy re-applying mascara and lip gloss. 

---one month later---

Teresa hadn't left Thomas's side. He had been in a coma for a month, and was still healthy. Brenda hadn't stopped by the hospital once. 

Teresa's parents had brought her a suitcase for clothes and other things she may need. The nurses even let her wash her clothes there. Teresa hadn't been to school in a month, but her teachers understood. They knew how close she was to Thomas. 

The others (Newt, Minho, Harriet, Sonya, Frypan, Alby, and Gally) stopped by whenever they could after or before school. 

Thomas's parents weren't even there as much as Teresa. They couldn't just stop working, so they trusted Teresa to call if anything changed. They knew that she would never leave until he did. 

It had been 5 weeks since the incident, each day Teresa lost more hope. She never had the chance to tell him what he meant to her, why she needed him. Teresa had to use the restroom, so she hurried out of his room. She was fairly quick...but not quick enough. 

Teresa walked into Thomas and Brenda kissing. This was the first time Brenda had stopped by. Teresa stood at the doorway, Brenda noticed, "where have you been! Thomas has been out for 5 weeks, and you haven't visited once? I've been here everyday caring for him, Teresa. What made you decide to show up?" Teresa was shocked, just as much as Thomas. She couldn't believe Brenda, why would she say that. 

"I was here-," Teresa was cut off, "SAVE IT! You have been avoiding us ever since we got together. Why can't you just be happy for us Teresa?" Brenda said, raising her voice. 

Teresa had tears in her eyes, was Thomas actually believing this? She looked away, and back at Thomas and Brenda's hands, now together. 

Just then, Thomas's parents stormed in," THOMAS! OH my baby, your awake," his mom cried. His parents were at his bedside, hugging him. Teresa just stood there, still not knowing what to say. 

Then, Thomas's mom gave her a death glare, "Why didn't you call us Teresa? Why did Brenda have to instead." Thomas's dad looked her way as well, "can we still trust you? We thought you cared for our son...we must've been very wrong."

He then put his attention towards Brenda, "Thomas found the right one."

Teresa's mouth dropped. She ran out of the hospital, all the way home. She had to talk to someone. On her way home, she passed Minho and Newt on their way to the hospital. 

"Why'd you leave, he's awake! You've been there this whole time, and the moment he wakes up you leave?" Minho laughed. Teresa gave him a threatening look to shut up, "According to everyone else, I'm the selfish brat who hasn't visited him AT ALL. THOMAS AND HIS PARENTS THINK THAT I DON'T CARE FOR HIM!" Teresa screamed. Newt and Minho stopped the car, and rushed to her side. They sat down by the curb, and she told them everything. 


Ok, so I know that the song at the top is cheesy, but just listen to it. It actually tells what Teresa is going through right now...perfectly. 

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