Interview Day

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Insecurity (insəˈkyorədē)
Noun 1.uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.

Insecurity was something you felt every second of every day in your life. It wasn't necessarily that you wanted to be self conscious (I mean, who would want to constantly worry about looking stupid or humiliating oneself just by walking down the streets?), you just couldn't stop the feelings. You wanted the best for yourself but even in the most joyous of times, insecurities would find a way to ruin it. These problems overtook your life and the constant fear of being hated prevented you from functioning properly.

Today wasn't any different.

The ear-bursting music from your phone began to blast through your bedroom as your morning alarm. You had forgotten to lower the volume the night before, meaning you hadn't expected it to be quite so loud. In short, you ended up jumping up and falling out of your bed in shock and fear.

Rubbing your head, you groaned and reached up to your nightstand from the floor to grasp your phone. Once your cellular device was in hand, you stopped the alarm music from playing, finally giving you some silence. As you did every morning, you proceeded to go through your social media like your Wattpad and Instagram. There weren't a lot of notifications that morning which you didn't mind; sometimes checking a million notifications a morning was a lackluster task.

Suddenly, you remembered your purpose for having an alarm set for a Saturday morning: you had a job interview. Luckily, your alarm had woken you up on time so that you would actually have time to prepare for the examination.

You sluggishly moved off of the floor and obtained your clothing that you were planning to wear to the interview. It wasn't anything fancy nor over casual: just a blue knee length dress with matching flats. It was more fancy than you would usually wear and quite frankly, it was the nicest looking thing in your closet.

Once your outfit was on, you found yourself staring at yourself in the mirror not really paying attention to how you looked. More of just you staring off into space.

"Will I ever be happy with myself....?" You mumbled aloud, still not fully back into reality, "I mean.... my atelphobia and anxiety could eat me alive....."

Shaking your head, you pulled yourself back into the real world, now looking at your appearance. This caused your chest to feel heavy and like it was boiling from all the nerves suddenly flowing through you. You thought you looked ridiculous.

"I look horrible.... Everyone's going to stare at me...." You panicked, clutching the ends of the dress as tears pricked at your eyes.

Little did you know that they would stare at you for your beauty rather than for whatever flaws you picked out.

Realizing you had 15 minutes to arrive at the small cafe down the street (you believed it was called Sutabaa), you grabbed your jacket and purse before walking to the location. The whole time, you felt eyes on you and swore you could hear people snickering and whispering about you. Each assumption you made caused you to defensively wrap your arms around yourself and bite down on your lip.

"You're hideous..... They all think you look stupid....." You thought to yourself, the taste of iron filling your mouth from biting your lip so hard.

"My angel? Are you alright?" A deep voice called out, making you look up slightly to see sparkly blue pants.

In a sense of fear, you started sprinting the rest of the way to the Sutabaa. You didn't even know if the person was talking to you or not. The man simply stood in place, watching with concern as you dashed away from him. He wanted to know why you seemed upset, but he also knew that you were just a stranger and he couldn't expect you to tell him all your issues.

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