The Good News

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Several months had passed; you were still in a relationship with Karamatsu and you were doing fantastic with your job. You even got promoted to assistant manager! Though you had grown with the relationship and work, you were still extremely introverted and self conscious. Karamatsu would always reassure you that you had no reason to think of yourself the way you did, but it didn't always work. Though no matter what, he was always eager to cheer you up.

Today was another day that your insecurities were getting to you, though for a reason different from your usual reasons. Your thoughts and your heart were racing as you put on your Sutabaa uniform for the day. No, your stress wasn't about Sutabaa, rather, it was about some news you had to break to Karamatsu in the afternoon after work.

It was good news, yes. However, you were worried of his response. You, (y/n) (l/n), were pregnant with Karamatsu's baby and you were absolutely ecstatic about it. So placing a hand on your stomach, you smiled before heading out to work, only to be met with someone at your front door. You jumped back with a squeal.

"Good morning, my rose!" Your boyfriend greeted, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand.

Your face flushed and you looked at your feet, making him slightly concerned. His confident act broke as he looked you in the eye with great worry. He held your hand and smiled slightly.

"Hey, love... Are you alright?" He asked you, sunglasses no longer over his eyes.

You looked up at him and bit your lip, shrugging, "Do you remember when we.... um..." You trailed off, fiddling with your fingers.

"When we what, babydoll?" He asked in hopes of having you finish your sentence.

"Hm... It's not important right now!" You nervously giggled, waving it off, "I'll tell you later after work..."

He quirked a brow and placed the back of his hand on your forehead, "Are you feeling well?"

This made you tense and bite your lip harder, sweating in the process, "Yep! 100% okay! The best I've ever been!" You laughed with anxiety clearly audible in your tone.

"Hm... You've been getting sick a lot lately though.... It's strange...."

"I'm okay! I'm just on this new diet and my body hasn't adjusted yet!" You lied, sweat going down your temple.

"Oh... Whatever you say...."He compromised, not really believing you but not wanting to make you upset.

You nodded, still looking guilty of something. Karamatsu linked arms with you, his cool act returning.

"You look amazing today as usual! Such a radiant being that outshines the sun entirely, my cupcake!" He beamed and smiled, making the red hue return to your cheeks. He continued on, locking and closing your door before leading you out of the apartment complex, "Shall I walk you to work?"

"If you want to...!" You allowed, worry eating at you again.

Your self loathing had diminished since being with Karamatsu, but you'd still have your moments of hatred towards yourself. It of course happened more often than not, but it wasn't all the time that you would feel that way about yourself.

"Isn't it embarrassing walking with me down the street? And even worse, when he finds out about this baby, he'll feel obligated and forced to stay with me..... Or maybe he'll leave....." You thought to yourself, staring off into space without noticing your boyfriend was talking.

Teaching Her to Love (Karamatsu x Insecure!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now