Training Ms. Insecure

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Aida tied the back of your apron for you before walking you to the counter area where Sacchi and a few other workers were taking orders and making orders to perfection (something you thought you wouldn't be able to do). Just the bare thought of letting your new coworkers down made you feel nauseous.

"Hey guys! This is (y/n)! She is our newest employee so treat her with the utmost respect and have patience as she gets to learning!" Aida shouted at the workers, pulling you into the counter area.

They all turned their heads to you before saying in unison, "Hi (y/n)!"

You waved slightly, looking down at your feet in fear of looking up, making some of the coworkers going "aw". Sacchi took your hand and led you over to a group of workers (one guy and three girls).

"Hey Totty! Can you start training her? Aida says she wants rotation training on her so she can get to know people better," Sacchi spoke, still holding your hand.

"Rotation training? I've only been here for a few months. I don't even know what that is!" The male complained, allowing for you to hear how feminine his voice sounded.

"You'll train her today. I'll train her Monday. Someone else will train her the next day and so on!" Sacchi explained to the man, clearing things up for him and you.

"I feel bad for everyone that has to train me... They'll get impatient and annoyed..." You mentally sighed and looked down at your covered toes, Sacchi noticing and swinging your hand with hers.

"Be nice to her. She's shy," Sacchi told the man with a glare before patting your back and leaving you. She paused and spoke again, "If you hurt my (y/n), so help me Totty! You will be eliminated."

The man chuckled nervously and waved goodbye to the brunette, soon focusing his attention to you. Your face grew aflame in embarrassment.

"Hi! I'm Todomatsu!" He greeted with a smile.

You looked up and saw his face for the first time since you had been looking down the whole time. So this was Karamatsu's brother. They almost looked the same except Todomatsu had larger pupils and thinner eyebrows, not to mention his more feminine physique. But to you, Karamatsu was the cuter of the two.

He held his hand out for you to take, the same thing Karamatsu had done before. Similar to when you ran into Karamatsu, you were too scared to take his hand. Todomatsu simply reached down to grab your hand and proceeded to shake it, violating your personal space. Though, you were too pusillanimous to move your hand away from his. The man cocked a brow before pulling you over to a set of machines.

"So! These are our machines that we use to make our gourmet beverages. We make tea, coffee, lattes, smoothies, milkshakes, and a whole variety of frappuccinos! I personally like the salted caramel frap myself! Would you like to make one?" He asked as he gathered the ingredients to make one.

"C-can you do that? Aren't you only supposed to do that for the customers?" You questioned, swaying back in forth and fearing the risk of getting in trouble.

He laughed and shook his head, "As long as the head manager isn't here, nobody can stop us! Loosen up!"

Todomatsu clicked a button on the mixing machine to stir the syrups and coffee base together, handing you the whipped cream bottle in the process. You eyed the can for a moment before shaking it to get all the contents set inside. Within a moment or two, the drink was being poured into a cup, you ready to squirt the sweet substance on top. Todomatsu placed the bare drink on the counter, signalling for you to begin putting the whipped cream on top. You did as told and proceeded to pour on some caramel syrup afterwards. Todomatsu finished it off by placing a piece of waffle cone on the very top, smiling with satisfaction at how good the drink looked. He pulled out a straw and gave the drink to you, awaiting your response to the flavor. Within one sip, you made a sour face, not enjoying the taste of the frappuccino. You assumed it tasted bad because you helped make it.

"You don't like it? I'll drink it then!" He took the drink from you and gulped it down, his face lighting up, "This is super good! Better than when I usually make it alone! You're a natural at this!"

"A-am I really?" Your face lit up like a small child on Christmas Day.

"100%! Better than I was when I started out, definitely!" He praised you, rubbing your shoulder as reassurance.

You shied away from the touch, not used to much physical contact. Todomatsu apologized and guided you over to the cash register.

"So most people start out here at the register until they are completely trained with how to make specific orders and junk! You'll be here for maybe a month at least unfortunately. It's the easiest job in my opinion, but seeing as how you're kinda shy, it may be difficult," He paused for a moment, finger on his chin, "Maybe it will have you come out of your shell!"

"As if I could ever do that. That's too much work. How am I expected to do something so social?" You asked yourself, trying not to explode from fear.

"Maybe...." You tried to agree, barely able to speak above a mumble.

Todomatsu proceeded to show you how to work the register, you not finding it to be particularly hard to control. The main issue was just going to be talking to the customers, but you figured you had a while before that happened. But boy, were you wrong.

Todomatsu practically shoved you up to the cash register, your face now crimson and sweating like crazy. A kind young woman stood before you, not looking particularly scary, but you were still intimidated. Your knuckles were white from how hard you were clenching your fists and your jaw hurt from gritting your teeth so hard.

"Go on, (y/n)-chan! We believe in you!" Todomatsu and Sacchi called from the coffee machines.

"H-hi! W-welcome to Sutabaa...! My name is (y-y/n)..... May I take your order?" You greeted, screaming on the inside and feeling as though you were going to break down sobbing.

The girl had a wide grin on her face, looking so understanding and caring. She spoke in a gentle tone that calmed you down just a bit.

"May I get a peppermint tea with a bagel?" She asked, pulling out her wallet.

"A-anything on the bagel?" You fiddled with the cash register.

"Bacon, egg, and cheese if that is okay!" She cheered, trying to make things easy for you.

You nodded fiercely and put her order in, printing the receipt out and handing it to her. She thanked you and took a seat at a table, waiting for her food to arrive.

You let out a low sigh, relieved that it was over. Sacchi came up behind you and gave you the most genuine hug you had ever experienced in your life. You practically melted from the gesture.

"That was so good! Great job, (y/n)! I'm so proud of you!" The brunette told, jumping up and down.

You weren't exactly happy about working that register for the first time. More just content with it being over for the day.

"You can go take off your uniform in the break room and head home! We'll see you Monday!" Sacchi said, waving you off as she took the register for the next customer.

Doing as told, you removed of your rather tight uniform and put on your regular day clothes. One last look at the mirror to check for physical flaws made you cringe.

"Ew..... I look gross...."

Trying to avoid those thoughts, you dashed out of the break room and left the Sutabaa, going straight back to your apartment. Your landlord scoffed as you walked into the lobby, knowing your were notorious for paying bills late. Not wanting to deal with the landlord's drama, you made your way to the elevator without looking back.

It didn't take long for you to arrive into your small studio apartment which you were so afraid of losing. You kicked off your shoes and literally jumped into your bed, groaning about the day you just had. It was almost 7:00 pm and you were already prepared to just go to sleep.

And that's exactly what you did.

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