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I am no where near born the 80's most of the things I refrence in the story (clothes/ plus size) is from my mom's point of view. Granted her family was not the richest so most of her clothes were hammy downs (her being the eightth child) but she was over weight in her teenage years and her experience with boys was all over the place. It's all fiction. Also if something does not seem periodically correct just let me know, please dont be rude. 

Also, i've tried writing a plus size story in my past but i lost inrerest bc it was based off of 5sos and i kind of lost interest in them as the years went by so i never really wrote that story.

I feel like im babling and im sorry it lmao.

This won't be really based off the show with the demogorgons and stuff. So im really sorry about that. But it will have the character from the show soooo (:

But yeah some of the scenarios in this story have revelanece to my life coming from a fat girl. Idk where im going with saying this other than yeah heres a fun fact. Yeah this is fictional but there are real scenarios that happened to me i guess?????? So i mean if some of it seems unebelievavle best belive this shit happened to me. Lmao.

This story will include strong language, sexual content so keep that in mind...

Also picrure Riley as whoever you want. It could be yourself, a friend, a celeb, idc. I just want your creative minds to picture whoever you want.

Anyways i hope you enjoy this story. Xx

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