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On the car ride home I couldn't help but imagine what my first time would be like with Billy? Will it hurt like I hear girls in the bathroom talk about when I'm changing? Will it be so romantic that the pain is pushed aside... okay that's enough...

I leaned my head against the window closing my eyes trying to calm my nerves down. I really need to get over Jonathan and Nancy's relationship. I need her, I need advice. God forbid I talk to my mother about this, she'd probably go on about how I need to wait till marriage like she did or something. Which I highly doubt but I know she's only telling me that to steer me clear of the possibility of teenage pregnancy and such.


I wonder how it feels, the intimacy. Will he kiss me beforehand? Will he kiss me during?

The thought of his naked body against mine and his lips pressed to my lips began to warm my stomach and thighs.  Okay, I really need to calm down.

"You alright over there?" Billy questioned. I opened my eyes and glanced over at him. I bit my lip nodding my head and began to fiddle with my fingers in my lap. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Even though on the inside I'm sort of freaking out.

Sex with Billy.

Is he going to light candles? Are we going to have sex in my room, his car? Is he going to rent a motel room for us for the night.

"You're extra quiet over there, you sure." "Yes, Billy everything is alright." I smiled trying to hide any slight emotion of my horniness.

"Alright Princess, we're here. I might call you tonight." "Okay, have a goodnight." I mumbled stepping out. As I was climbing out of his car Billy grabbed ahold of my hand and pulled me back in the car.

"Make sure you communicate with me if you change the plans of working out." He stated then proceeded to smack his lips against mine. I leaned in closer hoping that the kiss will go deeper. I grabbed ahold of his neck licking his lip opening his mouth hoping he would open wide.

Billy placed his hand on mine pulling us away. "I think that's enough. Goodnight." He stated then pressed his lips together and nodded his head.  I backed away and got out nodding my head. "Right, night."

I closed his car door feeling humiliation stream through my body. This guy is just so weird.

I walked up my door steps coming inside my house.

"Dear, is that you?" My mom called from the kitchen. "Yep." I answered wanting to avoid conversations with her or anybody at the moment. "Do you want dinner? It's in the fridge, I made you meatloaf." "Oh... no it's okay Mom, thanks though." I called out as I began to walk up the stairs.

As I was halfway up I heard my mom huff and I looked down at the bottom steps. "Uh, is everything alright?" I questioned confused. There she was giving me dirty looks with her hands on her hips. "Why don't you talk to me? You never tell me how your day was." I cringed at her statement. She wants to talk to me?

"Um, I don't know? What's this about..." I curiously asked. "Well you know how I have my book club every week. One of the topics was communicating with our children. And I got to thinking... you never talk to me." "Mom, can we do this later? I really need to show-"

"Oh don't you think so! Now young lady get that big bottom of yours down here and let's talk." "Mom..." I groaned.

I don't have the time for this, I really need to contact Nancy and let her know what the heck Billy told me.

I turned around from walking up the stairs and made my way downstairs. My Mom gave a brief smile knowing she won.

I walked in the kitched and leaned against the kitchen counter. "So what's up?" I asked kind of wanting this to be over with already. As much as this is a nice gesture for her to do since she never wants to speak with me unless it's about gossip or lecture me I kind of want to masturbate to the thought of Billy doing unimaginable things to my body.

"Well, I wasn't expecting you to come down and speak with me. How's school?" "It's fine, passing my classes." I am not going to go into detail of all the bullshit happening at school. "How's work?" I asked. My mom gasped and began to spill the beans about her coworkers getting caught having sex in her office.

My mind began to drift to the thought of Billy's body pressed against mine. His mouth covering my breast sucking and licking as he torments my nipples. My body convulsing agasint his firm grip squeezing and kneeding on my bottom. His hand sliding in between-

"Riley." I jumped shaking my head. "Sweetie are you alright?" My mom questioned looking concered. My cheeks began to become heated and I nodded my head. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" "Well I asked you a question and you proceeded to ignore my question."


"Yeah no I'm fine. What did you ask again?" "Well I was wondering how you were? Any boy drama? Someone your father needs to scare." My mom began to giggle and I shook my head slowly. "Nope, boys do not like me." I stated. "Oh nonsense, with your hot mom's looks and father's charm I bet guys are crawling at your feet."

"Well I hate to break it to you Mom but no one wants me."  I stated trying to feel a little down about myself.

"What about Billy?" I head snapped and I looked confused. Why on earth is she asking about him? "No, he definelty does not have any interest in me." She let out a dry laugh and began to shake her head. "I don't believe you. I've seen the way he looks at you."  It was my turn to laugh, "He does not have any interest in me." "Sweeite, he's with you all the time, I'm sure he's got some soft spot in his heart for you." "That's where you're wrong." I answered back.

"Then why are you always with him?" "Well Mom, I hate to break it to you, but you kind of hired him to help me loose weight. He doesn't like me like that, or in anyway. He's doing his job."

With that it was my que to leave and for this converstion to end. Anger started to build up inside of me. Billy doesn't like me, he sees me as some obstacle he's trying to beat, aka my virginity and to get his weekly paycheck from my parents in hopes I'll be thinner.

I stomped up the stairs just wanting to sleep.

"Riley!" My mother called trying to stop me. "I didn't mean to upset you." "I'm not upset, Mom. Just tired and I have so much homework to catch up on." I lied opening my bedroom door open.

I know she was only trying to make small conversation but man does it hrut to open your own eyes and see things for yourself. He doesn't like me in anyways, shape, or form. Billy will never like me. He's probably grossed out by me but sees me as young pussy.

I wish I wasn't who I was.

I'm back bitches. Hope you liked this chapter!

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