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Hi thank you for the 20K+ reads. Your support means a lot and I'm sorry I haven't been the best at writing (I feel like I write this 24/7) some days my mental state is above and beyond and I'm filled with joy. Others I'm just down in the dumps. I don't really know what's going on with my life. I miss my ex, but I don't want to go chase back to him bc it's not right for him or right for me when it comes to me feeling sad. Also that friends with benefits situation idk where we even stand so ha. Idk I'm just gonna do me as of rn and try to bring my mental state back up. So thank you for sticking by my side and sending me encouraging and positive words in the comments. It means a lot, really it truly does.

I gave a nervous laugh and nodded. "Yup, yes, mmmhmm. We are definitely here." I laughed out loud once more but it sounded more like a defeated cry.

Billy raised and eye brow in confusion and nodded his head slowly. "Alright then..." Billy opened his drivers door which I followed in suit opening the passenger side and sent a fast prayer to the big man above.

I don't know why I feel so anxious to have him over. Maybe it's from my hormones and the fact that I have not kissed him in the past few days.

Maybe it's because I'm craving his hands and mouth on my body?

Maybe it's because- okay, okay calm fucking down, Riley.

We walked in union up the steps to my front door and I really couldn't contain the anxiety that was coursing through my body. It's like he's never been in my house before, which I mean he has... just not in a regular dinner setting.

I opened the door and stepped inside looking around. The sound of the television rang throughout the house signifying that my dad was home and doing what he does everyday. Watching the news. I could hear clinking and clacking of pots and pans in the kitchen signifying that my mother was preparing dinner which let me to call out.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad! I'm home and I have a guest!" I shouted. I looked back at Billy bemusement written all over his face. He closed the front door and leaned against it.

"Sweetie who would be- oh! Well hello there, Billy!" My mom clasped her hands still wearing her apron with a few food stains on it.

"Good evening Mrs. O'neil." He answered. "Is it okay if he has dinner with us?" I asked knowing the answer already. Mom's smile brightened at the question and she boned her head up in down in glee. "Of course, sweetie! Is meat loaf fine with you, Billy?" She questioned with more enthusiasm than usual.

"Of course." He answered coolly.

I don't know why but I couldn't help it but let my mind drift to thinking what those lips could do. I stared at him in content watching the way his arms flexed as he crossed them. The way his leg was perched up against my door frame.

I wish my body was pressed against that door frame-

"Riley?" I shook my head and looked over at my mom. Her hands were on her hips and concern written all over her face.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked casually trying to mask that I totally was thinking naughty things about Billy.

"I said, why don't you go freshen up. And show Billy where the bathroom is so he can too." My eyes widened in shock. Is she serious?

I looked back at Billy and he looked smug as ever. I know I am not the only one having certain thoughts.

My mom is pretty much saying, hey here is a chance to go make out with one of the hottest guys on the planet earth use it.

"Oh, uh... okay." I answered. I could feel the heat radiating off my cheeks as I turned around to see Billy chuckling and lifting his body from my door.

I lead the way up the stairs to the guest bathroom and stopped at the door. "And here you are." I stated turning back to Billy.

He scoffed grabbing my hand and dragged me to my bedroom door.

"Is she that clueless?" He questioned pushing me inside my room and kicking the door shut. In one swift movement the bedroom door was locked and his hands were gripping my hips.

I gasped at the contact and my eyes fluttered closed as his lips were planted on my neck. He began his assault as I lay there taking it. My breath hitched as I felt his hands slowly sliding down my sides and easing there way towards my backside.

"Do you know how much of a fucking tease you are in these?" Billy muttered against my neck. My eyes closed shaking my head.

Seconds later I cried out in shock. A firm swat was left on my backside and me in utter shock. "A fucking tease." Billy growled. His hands then began to grip my hips pressing himself against me.

I looked down at our proximity and bit my lip.

"See what you do to me, princess?" I nodded my head unable to control myself and reaching down to his gym shorts.

Billy's hand gripped my wrist refraining me from touching him. "Not so fast." He let go of my hand and backed away from me. "If you'll excuse me I need to freshen up." Billy stated with a smirk and turned away.

He unlocked the bedroom door and looked back sending a wink and closing the door.

And there I was; hot, bothered, and so fucking frustrated.

Chubby Chaser (Billy Hargrove) Where stories live. Discover now