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Hi if you're creative and wanna make me a new cover for my story pls feel free to do so. I'm not talented enough and yeah.

Sex, sex is all I could think about. Everything I read has to do with sex, everything I watch, always had a sex scene. Almost every girl in the locker room talks about having sex. Hell even my parents have sex!

I've come to the conclusion that I want to have sex. I want it bad, I want to loose my virginity. I want the waiting game to be over with and the pain and pleasure to kick in.

I couldn't help but gaze off picturing what my first time would be like. Would it be hot and steamy? I'm sure it would be if I know a certain someone who would take my offer up. Before I even realized it my legs crossed and my thighs tightened to suppress my urges.

I couldn't help fantasize about how Billy would feel inside of me. I dazed off picturing his hands exploring my body every inch and curve. It's not a want actually, it's a fucking need.

"Riley?" I shook my head of my thoughts and looked up. Flustered as ever I sat straight up in my seat and looked my math teacher in the face. "Y-yes Mr. Flores?" I questioned slightly embarrassed.

"Care to explain what I was discussing?" He questioned. I hunched in my seat hating the fact that I just got caught. I shook my head no not bothering to maintain eye contact. "No? And why is that?" He questioned. I groaned and looked up, "Because I wasn't paying attention." I truthfully answered.

Mr. Flores shook his head in distaste. "Try paying attention, please." With that he turned around contributing to lecture and I rolled my eyes hating the feeling of being exposed.

In the corner of my eye I could see Billy looking my way. I decided to face him. He raised an eye brow at me and I couldn't help but blush at the dirty thoughts invading my head. The things I want that boy to do to me.

Thank god!

The bell had rung signaling that class was over and I could help but be grateful for the disruption. I stood up packing my bag and walked away.

Billy walked next to me and bumped hands with me. I looked down to see him squeezing my finger and letting go. With that small ounce of communication he turned away walking the opposite direction.

I slumped my shoulders wishing this little crush was something more. I wish I was glorified, shown off. I wish everything was public.

Billy makes these comments on how much of a babe I am but my mind tells me other wise. And the lack of communication in public just spikes it even more.

I walked over towards my locker opening it and sliding my text book inside and closed it shutting my eyes and taking a deep breath. Maybe if we have sex I can convince him that no one will care about our relationship. That me being bigger than him is not a big deal.

I groaned shaking my head. Oh who the fuck am I kidding? Everyone tormented Scott for making out with me? Everyone including him tainted him calling him a chubby chaser.

But if Scott is known as a chubby chaser for almost hooking up with me... what the fuck does that make Billy?

Billy wants to explore my body and when we're alone he can't keep his hands to himself. Does that make him a hypocrite. Is the one naming names actually one himself?

If so, why the fuck is it such a big deal?

I walked away making it towards my other class not missing the death stares and glares from girls as I walked by. I couldn't help but stare back and wonder what makes me so different from the rest of the blood sucking vampires.

Oh yeah, that's right, I am no where near as rude as they are. I do not have a fat phobia, I do not own the latest clothes that are in fashion.

I walked away breaking eye contact and I could hear Chole mumble something under her breath.

"Rumor has it that Fat Riley's parents hired Billy to get her in shape." "...No way! It totally makes sense to why he never comments about her." "...It also makes sense to why he sticks up for her twenty four seven."

"Hey Riley!" I froze and turned around. "Yes, Chole?" I questioned. She outrageously smacked her gum and questioned, "So a little birdy told me Billy Hargrove is getting paid to help you loose weight, is it true?" I scoffed trying to mask my emotions and answered, "No, who the hell told you that?" I questioned. Chole snarled and looked over at her minions, "Oh no one important, such a shame though, you could use the help to shed the pounds." "Piss off, Chole." With that I turned around and stormed away.

Why does it matter to her whether or not Billy is helping me? I went to the girls bathroom and sat alone in the bathroom stall.

I just wish things were different, I wish I didn't have to hide my true feelings, I wish I could have an actual boyfriend and no one would judge me for it.

I wish Billy grew a pair and liked me and wasn't using me for his own self pleasure. I just wish things were different. I wish my whole life was different.

They're probs gonna fuck soon, still trying to figure it out. Anyways Riley has a lot of self love issues and this bitch needs to love her god damn self. Anyways have a good night/day and I love you all.

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