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My eye twitched the whole walk home from school. I can't believe my parents would do that? I can't believe Billy would agree to that? How do they know each other!

I opened my the door to my house and stormed inside not forgetting to make sure my parents knew that I was home. "No slamming doors!" My dad hollered. I followed that voice and made my way into the living room.

"Are you really that embarassed of me to go and do that!" I yelled at the both of them. "Honey what are you talking about?" She questioning putting down her croshaeing needle down.

"Oh don't start this! I can't believe the both of you." I yelled raising my arms in the air. "Riley Ann, don't you dare come into our home with that tone of voice." My dad snapped his fingers standing up. My mother also stood and hid behind him, "Why are you so upset dear?"

I stared at her in disbelief. "You hired an asshole from my school to help me loose weight? Are you insane?" My mom sighed closing her eyes. "Now honey-" "Don't, you've gone too far with this."

My dad held the bridge of his nose shaking his head. "It's the best decison." "Am I that repulsive to you both? Is my weight that huge of a concern?" I demanded with tears brimming my eyes.

"We just want you to be happy." I shook my head no. I wiped my eyes trying to mask being hurt. "Sweetie-" "You both disgust me." And with that I turned around and made my way upstairs.

I opened my door slamming it behind me and slid down my door and let out a sob. I cried for what felt like hours but only was maybe ten minutes and looked up at my ceiling.

I can't believe they've done this. It's already embarassing me enough as it is that I can't loose the weight fast enough for them to feel proud of me but now to go out of their way and hire someone to help me shed the pounds faster, pathetic.

I never thought my parents were this desperate to have a slim and fit daughter. They want me to be happy yet they're the ones who make me unhappy.

"Honey..." I heard knocking against my door and groaned. "Go away." I answered. "Riley, open up this instant." My mother demanded. "Why? So you can belittle me even more." "Sweetie, please." My dad begged.

I stayed silent letting more tears stream down my face. "Riddle me this, why Billy Hargrove out of all people?"

Billy Hargrove was one of the newest kids in town since last year. He totally ruled over the school and was friends with almost everyone who hated my guts.

He's cocky, ignorant, and a total douche bage. Why would they even consider him to help me loose weight? Who in their right minds would want Billy Hargrove to be their personal trainer.

He's hard on himself to stay in shape. From what I've heard, working out is his favorite hobby and he does it at least 4 times a day.

I can barely even do one pushup (lmao me in real fucking life let's be real here). I can't even run a mile under ten minutes, I barely can do sit ups without feeling like I'm going to die.

And jumping jacks? Yeah no.

I finally got up and opened the door to see both my parents leaning against it and almost fell once I opened it.

"Well?" I questioned. Mom straightened herself out and held her head high. "Well I mentioned at work how you wanted to loose weight and my dearest friend Susan said her step son, which so happens to be this boy Billy Hargrove who you speak of, is really into fitness. And I told her you'd be interested in working out with him and she discussed it and well we hired him.

I shook my head in aggravation. "Mom! I don't want to loose weight! And how much are you paying him?" "Five dollars an hour." My eyes buldged out of my head in shock. That's more than minimum wage! "Well sweetie, if it means you will shed some pounds then we're willing to pay the amount." My dad answered brining my mom to his side.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief. "Well when am I going to start?" I muttered in annoyance. "That's up to him. I'm sure he'll discuss it with you tomorrow." I groaned in annoyance at the thought of having to make contact with him again.

And it just doesn't help that he walked in on Scott and I and my hand down his pants.

"Goodnight, sweetie." I huffed shutting my door.

Just what the fuck did my parents get me into?

The next morning was no better. I woke up feeling nervous as ever to step foot onto school grounds. What if Billy wants to start working out today? I don't even have the right work out clothes... I don't even have a decent sports bra.

"Something up?" Jonathan questioned once I stepped inside his car. I groaned and looked over. "You promise you won't laugh once I tell you this?" "I promise." He answered checking his rear view mirror and booking it towards school.

"Okay, well... My parents hired a personal trainer." Jonathan looked over at me with wide eyes. "Is it getting that bad." I nodded my head looking down.

"It gets worse." I mumbled. "How worse?" "How about it's so bad because Billy Hargrove is going to be my personal trainer."

Jonathan slammed on his breaks and looked over at me.

"You're joking right?" I shook my head scruching my nose. "It gets even better." "Oh god..." "He's getting paid five dollars an hour." "What are you kidding me? I could help you loose weight for free. He doesn't need to get paid, especially that much!" I chuckled shaking my head.

"And it gets better too." I fumbled. Jonathan pulled over towards the side of the road and looked over. "Spill it." "Billy so happened to see me giving Scott a handjob behind the bleachers last night. And he referred to Scott as Banana Dick Scott and now I have to agree that Scott's penis is shaped like one."

Jonathan looked over at me trying to hold back from laughing but he failed. He busted out laughing and tears emerged from his eyes from laughing so hard. I started to laugh too and groaned, "Why me?"

Jonathan wiped his tears and calmed down from his laugh attack. "This is why you're my friend. You have the best stories to tell." I smiled and pushed his shoulder. "Fuck you." "Nah, I'll let Banana Dick Scott do that." "Oh ha ha, laugh all you want. But seriously what am I going to do about this Billy situation?" "I don't know, I guess avoid him at all costs." "Oh and like that's so easy. The guy is in half of my classes I have this semester." Joanathan shrugged. "It was just a suggestion. Just don't talk to him or look at him."

"You know it's not that easy." I stated. "And why's that?" "Because he is smokin' hot. Like I can cook bacon off his hot body." Jonathan fake puked shaking his head. "I beg to differ, he's too much of a meat head." "An attracitve meat head." "No." He stated. I rolled my eyes laughing.

We finally made it to school and I got out of his car zipping up my jacket covering my body. "Why do you do that?" Jonathan asked. I shrugged, "It's out of comfort I guess."

There Billy stood in front of his locker with Chloe and her possey swarming him. I looked away immediately not wanting to make any contact with her, and him.

"You'll be okay on your own today?" He questioned. "Dude I'll be fine. I'll see you after school. Trust me Jonathan, I'll be okay." "Alright, if anything happens just go hide in the nurses office." "Sir, yes, sir." I joked saluting him.

I opened my locker grabbing my math book and closed it. I looked around making sure the coast was clear of anyone who would harrass me and made my way inside.

See Jonathan? I'll be fine.

Fun fact: in 1987 when my mom started working at 7eleven minimum wage for her was $3.38

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