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I was wrong, so fucking wrong. After class I made sure to be the first one to stand up and leave.

All in math Billy kept looking back at me. I tried to pay no attention to it, I thought that I probably had something in my hair. That was until he mouthed to me acorss the room that we needed to talk.

I am so not ready for talking.

With my short chubby legs I managed to escape and hide out in the bathroom. I huffed and went into a bathroom stall and began to pray hoping God would be on my side today and Billy wouldn't want to speak with me.

I stayed in here for about five more minutes hearing the bell ring signaling second period had just begun. Everyone should be in class now.

I opened the stall stepping out gripping my mathbook against my chest and opened the door.

I jumped back in fright and looked over to my left to see Billy leaning against the wall next to the door.

He cockily chewed on his gum and my eyes widened as words began to come out of his mouth. "Thought you could run away from me, princess?" I stupidly nodded my head cussing out the big guy above in my head.

"Follow me." He muttered getting up and sauntering away. Should I run away in the opposite direction?

"Don't even think about leaving me." He said snapping  his fingers at me. Fuck. I followed behind wallowing in my own self pity unaware of what was going to happen next.

We walked and walked for what felt like hours but was maybe only five minutes and made it outside on the side of the school.

He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his jean jacket pocket and began to light one. He raised his pack open towards me asking me if I wanted one. I shook my head declining.

"So why do you want to lose weight so bad?" "I don't." I asnwered. "Somehow I don't believe that since my dear beloved step mother begged for me to help a chubby girl named Riley."

I scoffed shaking my head, "That's my mom's fault." I stated matter of factly. "Look I don't need your help. I'm sorry my parents dragged you and your stepmom in this but I'm fine with the way I am." "You're going to have to lose weight somehow." "Excuse me?" I questioned. "I mean the only way I'll be getting paid that much is if they see any change." I gasped, "Just because you're money hungry doesn't mean you're going to put me through hell just so I can slim down so you can keep the bills coming in." "I wouldn't put you through hell. I'd just make you put in some work. Hell I don't care if you shed pounds. Maybe help you lose an inch or two off your body."

"I'm not losing weight." I stated crossing my arms over my chest. "Princess, I couldn't care less if you did or not. I'm still getting paid. Now let's make something out of it."

I raised my eyebrow confused. "What do you mean?" "I mean we both get something out of it." "I'm lost, what?" I questioned. He groaned shaking his head. "Do I have to spell it out for you? Let's hook up." My mouth opened agape and I stared in shock.

"N-no! I'm not like that!" "I saw you with Scotty. I've seen you a few times, actually. I would say you are." "I am so not! And I refuse to hookup with a jerk like you." He chuckled inhaling more nicotine into his lungs. He blew it out with his head rasied and looked down.

"So what's different about me and Scotty. I mean other than our dick shapes and sizes-" "Shut it! And he's not an asshole." "I mean he never gave anything to you in return. I mean that's kind of dickish to me." "I never asked for anything in return." He rolled his eyes, "You don't need to ask, you're supposed to."

"Well I didn't want it." "Well I could imagine. Someone like him probably has no idea what to do with a pair of tits in his face."

"Scott would know what to do, I just didn't want him to." "There's got to be a reason behind it then." He answered stepping closer towards me. I took a step back to keep distance and didn't want to open my mouth.

"Enlighten me, princess. Why didnt you let Scott touch and feel you up the way you did to him." "I didn't want to disgust him with my body." I murmered truthfully.

He sighed shaking his head. "Well we're going to change that." "What?" "You heard me. Starting tomorrow. Meet me by the bleachers right after school, sharp."

Chubby Chaser (Billy Hargrove) Where stories live. Discover now