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I had an eight hour training day so meh but hello all! Also I'm sorry for not uploading for 2ish/3 days, I just finished my story Live A Little so I was focusing on that but now I will be setting my focus on this story and my harry fan fic called Just One Night!

In math it was nothing special, we had an exam on chapters eight, nine, and ten. It was a breeze for me due to the fact that I'm actually great at Algebra one, the rest after that... not so much.

I finished my exam and turned it in the back and sat back down pulling out a book. I looked up at the clock realizing I still have forty five more minutes of class.

I skimmed through the pages not really interested in what it had to say. I read this book over and over too many times and couldn't bear to read it once more. I just kept it in my backpack for the possibilities that I would but I know I never will again.

Billy got up finishing his exam and walked by my desk. In the corner of my eye I could see him slipping a piece of paper under my book and he walked out.

I looked around hoping no one saw that interaction and picked up the small piece of paper. In scribbles, Billy's handwriting, It wrote;

Meet me by the bathroom.

I raised my hand and the teacher looked up from reading his news paper. He raised his eyebrows and I pointed to the door and he shooed me away. I stood up and silently making my way outside of the quit class.

I felt anxious to why Billy wanted me to meet him? I never know what to expect when it comes to confrontation at school. It could either be awful or it could be great. The only downfall is with both it usually means to ditch class and honestly, I can't afford to miss any more.

I stepped outside of the classroom and looked around in the vacant halls. No one was to be seen which should feel like a relief but it worried me. I walked down the halls and kept my ears open.

I made a right turn and there Billy was leaning against the red brick wall right next to the boys bathroom.

"You made it." He stated with relief. I raised my eye brow in confusion, "Did you think I wasn't going to?" I asked coming up.

"I don't know." He chuckled out. He looked around before going in his jean jacket pocket and sliding his pack out. I reached up grabbing the box of nicotine and hiding it behind my back. "Don't even think about it." I warned.

He sighed snatching the pack slipping them back inside there home and looked down at me.

"So why are we here?" I asked. "Well I was thinking, we get the hell out of here and hang out in my car." Billy said with a suggestive tone. I sighed closing my closing. "I can't, I've missed too much school and my parents are catching on." Billy groaned throwing his head back.

"C'mon Princess, please? Just one last time playing hookie?" I shook my head no keeping to my word. "Why not after school?" "I've got practice." He answered. "Why not after practice?" "Because I haven to shit hole I call home." "So why not pick me up before you go back and say coach held you back?" "Susan can see through my lies." He muttered. With annoyance Billy turned on his heel and walked away. (Lmao I think of the one vine with the guy talking on the phone and it goes so no head? And he throws his phone and jumps on his board breaking it)

I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and slowly trailed behind. I watched intently as he slammed his hand on the locker next to him and I frowned in response. I don't know what his dead is exactly but I have a feeling it's because I just rejected his offerings of hooking up.

I made my way inside the class right after Billy and sat down at my desk acting like I didn't just try to compromise hooking up with him later this evening.

I looked up at the clock and right as I checked the time the bell rang signaling that it was time to leave. I packed my bag and got up from my seat with Billy shoving his way past. He bumped his shoulder against mine and I looked up at him.

He acted as if he did not just purposely bump his shoulder into me and walked away. He's ignoring me now! I huffed carrying on with walking away trying to forget about stupid Billy.

He is so weird!

I made my towards my locker just wanting this day to be over with already.


At the dinner table I ate my food happily. My mom has some crazy imagination thinking I've lost a few pounds and decided to celebrate giving me a cheat day. She agreed that every two weeks she'll cook me something not as healthy like what I usually had. Right now I was eating taco salad and couldn't be happier.

I dug into my food and moaning missing the taste of ground beef. I can't name the last time I had red meat, probably six months ago? My parents decided that red meat was a major cause to my gain weight as a child because my favorite dish was spaghetti growing up. My second favorite was steak and potatoes with broccoli on the side, truly amazing.

"So sweetie how was that exam you had today?" My mother questioned. "It was good actually, I think I finished in fifteen minutes." As I answering my Mom's question my mind began to wander back towards Billy and his attitude towards me.

After that in gym he acted like I wasn't there. It was mile day so I barely tried only keeping it to a minimum jog and walking, mostly walking. He sped past me two times and didn't bother to acknowledge me. To be quit honest, I'd rather not have him acknowledge me while I whimper in pain at the pain building in between my thighs as my chaff began to settle in. I fucking hate PE.

After dinner was done I was in a cheerful mood and offered to do the dishes. I'm telling you, taco salad could do wonders for a girl. I washed and washed away for about fifteen minutes drying all our utilities and jogged up to my room.

I turned the tv on and plopped down on my bed. Thankfully I did my homework earlier so I could watch  reruns of old shows.

After about an hour I kept hearing this tapping noise on my window that kept going on for about five minutes straight.

"What the fuck?" I questioned. I walked over to my window opening up my blinds and screamed.

Billy was squatting on my roof only in short shorts and a tank top. He pointed down to my window seen and I opened it and he slid inside my room. He landed on my floor and looked up.

"Took you long enough." He muttered clear annoyance dripping from him. "You said you weren't coming to get me." I defended. "It doesn't mean I wasn't going to see you still." He pointed out.

He slipped his running shoes off and hopped on my bed. "You smell." I muttered keeping the window open. I went over towards my vanity and sprayed perfume I've only used a handful of times around my room.

I groaned as the stench got worse. Perfume and body odor do not mix well together. He chuckled opening his arms and placed them behind his head.

"Lay next to me." He stated. I shook my head not wanting to comply. "You fucking reek." "Then let's fix that." "Okay go take a shower." I stated. "Take one with me."

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