The Special Cargo

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{A Week Later}
(Esme's POV)

I've been typing beside Soundwave for so long that my fingers are cramping. I frown at them and look up at Soundwave. He was staring at me, he quickly looked away. I snickered and got back to work.

Soundwave seemed nice. He really did but maybe it was all a trick. I mean he's an alien. What if this is his plan? He might betray me one day. And I can't do anything about it, I'm tiny. I can be squashed in a single swift motion!

"SkyBlazer is needed in the presence of Lord Megatron" said a gruff voice from behind the door after a few knocks. Soundwave lays down his hand, he isn't being forceful now it seems. I climb on and hold tight onto his sharp fingers. He lifts his hand up carefully and holds it close to his chest as he walks out, and next to him walks Steve I think they call him. Was it Steve? No his energy signals, 5T3V3. Yeah that. They call him Steve, it's easier. I know him well, only a little tho.

"Hey SkyBlazer." Steve greets, less scared around Soundwave since I'm here. I smile and wave at him.

"Hi Steve. What's the big guy need me for this time?" I ask to seem friendly but actually I'm scared.

"You and Soundwave are going to be retrieving something of his Lord. He will explain." Steve answers freely. Soon we are there and Steve lets us walk in first. Megatron looks happy or pleased really to see us. I curtsy and Soundwave nods at his lord.

"Ah SkyBlazer, Soundwave, my two most loyal comrades. I have a mission for you both." He then went into detail of our mission.

1: me and Soundwave will be getting precious cargo. A body I think he said.

2: must return it back into the medbay where Shockwave and Knockout will be waiting, and we have to make sure that the body stays in perfect condition.

3: don't let Autobots get it. Or damage it.

Me and Soundwave nod and I can already tell that Soundwave has recorded everything Megatron has said. Megatron sends us off and we are now ground bridging to the location where the cargo is. Me and Sound make our way through a forest where we find ourselves at a cave entrance. The birds stop tweeting and I am placed on the ground. Soundwave crouches down and shakes his finger at me and his head.

"Wait." He played a recording. Maybe he thought I'd be safer out here. I nod with a thumbs up. He nods and walks away into the cave. The darkness seems to swallow him up. I hear a ground bridge open a bit away. I see a thick long stick on the forest floor. I pick it up and get ready.

I see them. Autobots!

"Guys, there's a human!" A series of beeps translate. They all look in my direction and I Bang the stick on the nearest boulder by the cave entrance. It echoes into the cave. My quick actions and smart way of doing things seemed to do the trick because now a tentacle was wrapped around me and taking me away into the darkness of the cave. The Autobots try to follow and they call after me. I wave with a smile.

"Sound, they're at the entrance. Actually no they're coming in!" I warned. He nodded in the dark, I could just sense it. A ground bridge opened and lit up the cave. Soundwave wheeled in the cargo first then shot a bit at the Autobots. Then once they stopped before us in the glow of green. Me and Soundwave flashed our biggest smirks, his was an emoticon on his visor and mine a giant side smile across my face. We leave through the portal and Soundwave sets me down on the medical berth. Knockout and Shockwave are there. They all examine the contents of the cargo. The body, Knockout turns to me with a smirk. A dangerous one. Knockout is my friend too, and so is Shockwave. But I didn't expect him to smirk at me like that.

"So uh what's it for?" I ask a little nervous. Knockout just turns away as he starts plugging in wires to the pod base. Stats come up in a monitor. He checks them and types a few things onto the screen. He nods at Shockwave. Shockwave comes over, picks me up. And throws me down harshly onto the counter next to them. I yelp in pain and sit up slowly. Soundwave growls and turns his head so sharply at Shockwave that I thought his neck would break. Shockwave says a sorry and takes a syringe. He hangs it over me, it's too big to stick in me. Oh Lord no.

"WAIT DONT-" I start to protest.

"Open mouth." Shockwave orders. I obey since I'm scared and don't want to be killed. He squeezes some of the liquid into my mouth and I gulp it down quickly. He nods and puts the syringe down far away from me. I look to Soundwave who is watching me very closely.

"S-Sound?" I call quietly, my eyes watering slightly. I'm so scared, what's going on? Soundwave seems to shake slightly. His fists unclenching and clenching at his side. I reach out for him but then Shockwave makes a wall with his hand, like in a chop. I jump and Soundwave growls as he raises his tentacles that were live with electricity.

"Calm down, Soundwave. Lord Megatron just wants to test something." Knockout waves it off. I look to him and see the fear and regret in his eyes.

"Test what?" I ask. But no one answers as the monitor beeps and the capsule starts to fog on the inside. I'm starting to get more sleepy. Everything is blurring together, no fine lines of bots anymore, just colors with fuzzy outlines. I hold my head and my eyes are starting to weigh down with my eyelids. I try to shake it off but before I know it I can't even sit up anymore. I whimper and start to cry.

"S-Soundwave..." I say with a small voice crack and all I can do is watch him fade away, his image was sideways as I laid there.

I closed my eyes.

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