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(Esmeralda's POV)

Soundwave worked like usual. He is rushed with a lot of things and it's kinda sad but I am also doing work to help decode all the ancient encryptions of Cybertronian language. I type as fast as Soundwave does, even without my memories I still know where all the keys are on the keyboard. It's the same as human's luckily so I'm good with it.


Me typing on the desk where Soundwave works, right beside him. We are both very focused and at work on our data pads.

End Flashback

Soundwave looks my way and nods at me silently, sending his love through the bond. I don't know what negative side affects Knockout said but this bond thing is going amazing. I love feeling loved. It makes me incredibly happy and I'm sure Soundwave is happy to have me too.

"Yes I am." He says telepathically, his sweet voice enchanted me greatly.

"ALL DECEPTICONS, WARNING, WARNING. AUTOBOT BREACH. CODE RED." Alarms were breaking our calm and dilligent work. Soundwave looks to me and picked me up with a fell swoop of his servo, I learned that word from him by the way. He carrried me out of his room, looking panicky almost as he marched his way down the corridor and to the control room. He was by Megatron instantly. Soundwave hooked one of his metal tentacle things to a monitor and uploaded the surveillance video of the ship. Other robots but in lighter colors were storming the ship, shooting down vehicles all over. I can't recognize them by name but I know they have specific names. I feel sad as they are shot down with the energizer blasters that the opposing team has. What is there names anyway?

"They are called Autobots. And we are at war with them." Soundwave explained. I nodded his way, showing acknowledgement. He set me down on the floor as Megatron walked over to Soundwave. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be here, fear for my safety but Soundwave hates to be at a distanced from me physically. Suddenly, the doors blew down with a large fiery glowing blast of blue. That's when I saw other humans with them! Oh shit, a memory flashed into my head of when I went to school to befriend the three humans that were connected to the auto bots, for dad, As in Megatron! Wow that is a lot of info. I run to find somewhere to hide but they spot me. Soundwave fights the big green bot off along with a smaller yellow one. The female bot with the blue and purple comes over and grabs me off the floor.

"It's ok, we are here to save you." She said to me as she cradled me to her chest. Soundwave saw this from the corner of his visor and sent the tentacles after her as he fought still with the yellow and green male bots. I yell Soundwave's name through the bond, scared to get myself in trouble if they realize I am actually on the Decepticon side. What if they torture me?! WOULD THEY DO THAT?!

"Don't worry, they won't. I'll come to get you later. For now, act grateful." Soundwqave says through the bond. I feel his pain and distress through the bond at the sight of me being carried away into a green portal thing.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I force out loudly. A red and white bot jumps at the sudden outburst but then calms as he sees it's just a human being.

"No problem, kid. Now, are you hurt anywhere?" She asks me.

"No... They just kidnapped me from some weird glowing rock place. But I don't remember where it is anymore..." I lied quickly and convincingly. The red and white male bot came over and crouched down to me. He sniffed the air around me. Uh oh...

"You smell of Energon all right. Let me scan her. Incase she has any lethal doses of it in her system." UM NO! SCAN ME?! They might find the bond in my heart to Soundwave. I can't risk that!!!

"No wait! Please don't scan me... I never ate any energy or whatever you called it." I faked out quickly. He nodded and sighed. He let down his servo to me and set me on his shoulder. I think this guy likes me.

"Well, what's your name?" He asked as he was about to type coordinates in. The other auto bots were in the base meow through the portal that this guy called up from the computer.


(Third Person POV)

Soundwave slammed his fists hard into his walls. He should have just grabbed Esme away from Arcee, the femme who took her. He felt the ache of the bond at the distance between them. She was so far away. And how would he get her back? She must be very far and he has no idea where the autobot base is, where they obviously took Esme, but they may let her return home....

"I shall wait at her house till she comes home. I have searched her records before and I know everything about my mate. It's ok." He reassured himself in his processor as he stared blankly at the hole in the wall that he created. He was incredibly strong when having this much anger in his veins. He needs to get her back. He can't hear her thoughts anymore from the distance and he can barely feel her worry through the bond. Give it a few days, he thought, and they will return her home.

(Esmeralda's POV)

"Alright, we can return you home but you must keep our existence hidden. Do you understand, Esmeralda?" Ratchet, I learned everyone's name, says to me. I nod quickly. But then pause. I don't know where my house is... I don't remember anything. How will Soundwave get me back? I should just pretend like I know and leave. Come on, please have a flashback of where I live soon!

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Jasper Nevada." Ratchet replies quickly, as if asked this before. I gulp.

"I'm lucky. I live in Jasper." I lie through gritted teeth. Ratchet nods and opens a portal in the middle of a familiar named park. He lets me leave through there, since it was night and dark, no one would be out to see so this was an ok location to open a portal. Now, I just wait for Soundwave.

I can barely feel him through the bond anymore...

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