I Woke up Like This

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(Esme's POV)

I wake up with an aching pain. In my head and chest. I groan as I sit up.

"Ah she is awake!" A bot trotted over, he seemed relieved that I was awake. But I'm not remembering much...or rather anything at all...

"Uh oh wait she has a stupid look on her face. Esme." He snaps his fingers at me. And that was mean, what he just said.

"Now a confused mad face. I'm just joking sweetspark. How are you feeling?" He takes a light and shines it in my eyes. I shake and blink when he is finished. Esme. Is that my name?

"I don't feel amazing." I reply. He grabs a tiny bucket, tiny compared to his large hand. He places it down with a clatter next to me, but with care.

"Need to release the acid fluids in your abdomen?" He asks. He has a vibrant blood red paint job with a a sharp look of familiarity and seducement in his eyes.

"No, I feel emotionally terrible. I can't remember a thing." I tell him. His face turns to one of laughter and amusement to fear and worry. He says frag? And runs out, telling me to stay. Not like I have a choice. I'm stuck on this giant table thing. Goodness it made my back uncomfortably stiff. I crack it by bending backwards.

"Esme." Someone calls my name and I straighten up to see the red robot speed walk in with a very scary but attractive looking robot. He was quite lengthy and his paint job was a dark enough gray to be called black in the dark but grey in the light. He had also purple stripes on his stomach where his armor plates left open. I gulped.

Did it get hot in here or is it just me?

"Soundwave, spark some memories for her. I will go get Lord Megatron." The red robot orders Soundwave, the hot hunk of metal, and leaves, running away with a giant iPad in his hands. The door slides closed and Soundwave advances. I might explode as he stares down at me. His gaze was intense but I loved the attention.

"Esme: SkyBlazer." He says. I tilt my head slightly. What did that mean? He points at me.

"SkyBlazer and Esmerelda" he clarifies. I nod quickly. I have a code name and a real name I guess. I am Skyblazer, also known as Esmerelda or Esme for short. He points to his chest, goodness turn on an AC.

"Soundwave" his real name is Soundwave. He is Soundwave. I nod again.

"Esme and Soundwave: Spark Mates." What the hell are Sparkmates? I give him a confused look. He points to a circle in his chest. It opens and there is a glowing chunk of crystal in his chest. My eyes widen as his "heart or spark" glows and pulses. I nod slowly. Heart mate?

"My husband?" I ask. I think they are similar. Unless he means something like siblings, but I'm sure that's impossible. He nods.

"In human terms." The red bot's voice says through Soundwave. A recording of his voice. I suppose Soundwave uses recordings to speak. Maybe he is shy. I nod again.

"Repeat." He says to me. I nod.

"I am Esmerelda or Esme or SkyBlazer. You are Soundwave. We are husband and wife, or in your terms; Sparkmates." I relay back to him. He nods and leans his head down next to me. My face heats up and a flash like a camera click sounds. I look at his visor to see a picture of a flustered and blushing me. I gulp as he leans into me and I hug his face. I give the visor a gentle kiss, ouch my heart.

"Alright love birds, Lord Megatron is here." The red robot ruins the moment and in walks a large scary grey robot with purple eyes. Whoa. Intense.

"SkyBlazer, Knockout has informed me that you have a case of amnesia." Lord Megatron says. I nod, confirming what he has heard. He whispers something to Knockout, making him nod and go to his little trolley with a bunch of medical stuff on it and a computer. He types up some thing. I read the language. It isn't English but I know it. It's about me, a plan on what will happen to me. A report on me.

Report: Esmerelda/SkyBlazer
Lost memory after failed experiment. Shockwave could have killed her but ended up passing her to me. Kept her here in med bay for about 5 months. Almost thought she was dead but kept Soundwave taking care of her every now and then and he would report that she is alive. Soundwave was devastated and wouldn't leave the med bay, kind of annoying. Lord Megatron keeps tabs as she sleeps. She has now woken up tho and her memory loss seems to be an issue.

Knockout turns back to me and Soundwave. Megatron left, saying he wished me luck. I nodded at him in thanks. He was nice, a soft hearted guy but with a scary outer shell. Soundwave was sitting on the meets next to me. Knockout sighed.

"Can you read this?" He pointed to the report he typed up. I nodded.

"Yeah. What language is that?" I asked.

"Cybertronian. She at least still has her skill. She can still stay." He adds this new info to the report and sends it to Lord Megatron.

"You can take her back to your quarters, Soundwave." Knockout waved us off, but not before giving me a sorry look. Jerk. Soundwave lays down his hand and I climb up. I hug his skinny fingers as to not fall. I hate heights sometimes. Soundwave takes us out of the med bay, as it said in the report, and we was down the halls of wherever the heck we are. We get to a single sliding door and Soundwave enters. He puts me down on his desk and nuzzles the top of my head before he types in a code to his door. It locks, flashing a red light with the word DND on it. What did that mean?

"Do not disturb." It's like he read my mind...and his voice sounds so deep. It's amazingly soothing. I smile at him and he picks me up. He lays down on the large metal table, a bed I guess, and lays me on his chest. The warmth came up from his pulsing spark and up my body. I curled up against him. This felt amazing.

"Goodnight, Esme." He says.


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