Straighten Up

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(Esme's POV)

"So I have to have a schedule to get my memories back?" I hug my knees to my chest as I sit on the cold metal surface of Knockout's work counter. He nods as he walks past, he had a vehicle on the medical berth right now. His name was George. Or G30RG3. Yup.

"Stay still." Knockout said to George and stuck something in his neck. George's red visor powered off to a blank black. Knockout then began breaking apart George's arm as George was knocked out. I watched him work.

"So what is the schedule?" I asked. Knockout was okay with me asking questions as he worked. He said he liked informing me on things.

"Well today, you are hanging out with me in the med bay. And by the way today is Saturday, also you have me on Friday. You will then go hang out with Lord Megatron on Sunday and Monday. Soundwave is the rest of the week, as in Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday." Knockout explained, sounding like a teacher explaining something hard to a kid in a fun way. Like he enjoyed it. I smiled.


"No problem, sweetspark. Now, any more questions?" He closed the armor plating on George's arm, he got a cloth and wiped his hands on it since they were covered in some kind of purple liquid.

"No thanks, teacher." I laugh. Knockout gives a warm smile at this.

"Teachers are amazing in my opinion." Knockout played along and pretended to get offended. He put a dramatic hand on his chest and looked to the ceiling. I laughed out loud. He typed up a report on his computer which I was told to read aloud as to practice my Cybertronian. I knew how to read it and write it but not how to speak it sadly. Which I found odd.

"So no time with Starscream at all during the week?" I ask, realizing I had thought up another question. He shakes his head.

"Lord Megatron doesn't trust any other mechs on the ship and if Arachnid comes, Lord Megatron has ordered me and Soundwave to hide you from her." Knockout says. I had been introduced to Starscream by Lord Megatron.

{Flashback: An Hour After I Woke up}

"That is Starscream." Megatron pointed at him across the mission control room. I sat atop of his shoulder, holding onto the side of his head, to make sure I don't slip and fall off.

"Ok. Can I say hi to her?" I asked, assuming by the heels and skinny body that Starscream was indeed female. Megatron laughed, looking like he would bust his ribs.

"What?" I ask as he calms down.

"Starscream is not a femme, SkyBlazer, he is a mech, or in your language, a Male." Megatron chuckled. I covered my mouth in embarrassment and shame! It was rude to assume someone's gender, especially when you turn out to be wrong about who they are.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed to Megatron. Megatron waved it off.

"It's ok, many thought so too when they first saw him. He is a scrawny one." Megatron teased. I laughed nervously.

"So can I say hi to HIM?" I rephrase. Megatron gets slightly more serious and shakes his head.

"I don't trust him around you. He may come up with a scheme to kill you." Megatron frowned now as he walked away. I hung on tight as I nodded.

"Ok." I replied.

{End of Flashback}

"Ok. So what do you do in here exactly? Are you allowed to teach me the bot anatomy?" I asked after he recalled the story. He thinks for a moment.

"I am not sure. Maybe I can ask-"

Someone enters the med bay. They look like a spider! They are laid onto the medical berth by two vehicons. Knockout quickly prepares his tools and asks a series of questions to the vehicons.

"Ok, Esme, time for your first lesson." Knockout sounded heavy. He glanced at me and I have a nod. One of the vehicons brought me into Knockout's shoulder for a better view.

"We have to numb her, so she won't feel too much pain." He says and sticks the needle in her arm and kept it in there by taping it there, "IV. Helps send the numbing liquid into her veins." I nod.

"Next we examine her wounds. It seems she has been stricken in the chest... So we check her spark, or in your terms, heart." He opens her chest to show a glowing shard, it's a different color from Soundwave's, his was also much prettier and more damaged than this one.

"Seems like it isn't too bad. You can tell by the scratches and if the light is out." Knockout explains quickly and closes her chest. He takes off her chest plate armor and makes a vehicon polish it while he works on her spider like butt. He connects another IV to give her the purple liquid.

"Energon so she stays alive." He states and quickly cuts her open. I look away as the energon leaks.

"Esmerelda." I looked up at the voice to see Soundwave. I blush and look around.

"Soundwave! I am in the middle of a surgery! What is it you need?" Knockout scowls at Soundwave as he tries to keep working and talking to Soundwave. Soundwave grabs me up and Knockout starts to Protest but I say it's ok.

"Bring SkyBlazer to me, Soundwave." Megatron's recorded voice comes out of Soundwave at Knockout. Knockout silences and nods. He gets back to work silently. So quiet now.

Soundwave takes me to the main control room. Megatron turns dramatically like always and smiles in satisfaction.

"Good. Hello SkyBlazer. I have a small job for you." He smirks my way. Not a good smirk.

"What do you need, dad?" He told me to call him that? I was kinda surprised but I guess it was ok. I was still shy about it so yeah.

"I need you, Skyblazer, to befriend these three humans." I look up at Soundwave's visor to see two teenagers and a short boy. One of the teenagers was a boy and the other was a girl.

"Why? Aren't they just humans?" I asked, turning back to Megatron. His smirk grows to be an insane one. I was startled by it, I had never seen it before.

"Oh they are more than just some puny humans, SkyBlazer...."

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