I Hate Mondays

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(Esme's POV)

I rub my eyes as I'm sitting in Megatron's cockpit. Dad said that I would have to go to school and since today is Monday, I get to have him as my driver and I can hang with him after school, or rather after my homework is done, but Soundwave had opted to take that up while I am hanging with people. As we land, Dad gives me a picture Sound printed out of the three humans. I thank him and kiss the dashboard and leave with my backpack. He flies off, people are staring. Shit that's right...no one normally just appears in a fricking jet. I use my hair to cover my face as I look at my feet as I walk.

I walk in through the large front double doors of the school. I look at everyone and everything. I totally forgot people existed honestly. And right now, I'm blanking on what the school was about. Knockout said I'd be learning things with humans. New things. I was instantly all for it, I love learning, it's always fun to know something new, facts to say in conversations also I could teach the others on the deception ship! So Win win!

"Hey baby, looking fine with those baby blues." I turn my 'baby blues' to the guy who just complimented me. I nod at him with a smile.

"Thanks but I think you're girlfriend would say otherwise." This isn't the boy I'm looking for. This is Jack or Raf. The girl next to him, glaring me down, isn't Miko. I leave as the girl hits the guy and storms off from his side. What an idiot. She deserves better honestly. I then bump into someone. I look up and see Jack!

"I'm so sorry!" I apologize profusely. He blushes when he looks at me.

"N-no biggie! I'm Jack, by the way." He smiles as he picks up his notebook. Dang it, I should have picked it up for him. I'm starting to seem Rude I bet.

"Esmerelda, but you can call me Esme." I brush my bangs behind my ear and smile at him. He nods and leads me to the front office. We separate and I get my schedule. I walk to my next class. I get there just as the bell rings. I introduce myself, in my class is Miko. I can't find Raf until lunch where he sits at Lunch with the other two. I make quick friends with them. Asking to sit at their table, since I have no friends was a synch!

After school. They leave in interesting vehicles. Raf leaves in a Yellow muscle car with black stripes and black tinted windows. Miko leaves in a puke green high rider, large hummer with big wheels, very much matching her personality. Jack leaves on a dark navy blue two wheeled motorcycle. He wears a helmet, and knows how to drive that thing. These are some cool kids. Yet they have so little friends and I've seen Raf get bullied once or twice today. I had to step in to help, to which I kicked their asses.

"SkyBlazer." I walked over to Dad. I got into the cockpit and strapped myself in.

"Hi, dad. So what's on the agenda today?" I asked.

"First, tell me about the humans." He said, not sounding demanding or commanding but just interested. I nod and tell him all that I can tell. As a observer, I can notice body language and thought process. It's easy enough to notice after watching people so much.

"I see...very good, SkyBlazer. Tomorrow, Soundwave will drive you to and from school. And today we will be in the command room." He flew into the Nemesis. He had me in his palm as we walked into the control room, the main largest room. Then we see someone interesting. The spider lady is up and about today! Dad quickly passed me to Soundwave. I kiss Soundwave's curled fingers as he hides me inside his spark chamber. I hug his spark, the warmth sending good feelings into my body. Soon it gets too hot and I let go of it. I couldn't hear anything from the outside sadly. So I'm unsure if it's safe to come out yet. Soundwave's spark is a beautiful shining purple like normal. After a few minutes of waiting, I realize that it's getting very stuffy in here...

I think Spark Chambers are air tight! Uh oh! I knock on the wall. No response. I bang on it.

"SOUNDWAVE!" I yell, my voice cracking slightly. My claustrophobia is finally getting into action. Usually I don't get it with Soundwave but now I am! ITS AIR TIGHT IN HERE.

"SOUNDWAVE!!!" I screech at the top of my lungs and bang on the wall to his spark chamber with both fists. I step back and start panting slightly. I force myself to breath normally. I don't want to waste oxygen. It's getting stuffier and stuffier as time passes.

How do I get his attention? I think to myself. I look around the chamber. It's a cylinder hole in his chest. Steel reinforced plating all over. I can't do anything with it. Then I look at his spark as it just hovers there. I gulp, this could really hurt him but...

"Ok, I'm sorry, Sound." I yell. I grab the spark and suddenly an electric shock goes through me. I fall backwards and my eyes close.

{Meanwhile} (Third Person POV)

Soundwave quickly puts Esme into his spark chamber. He felt the squeeze of Esme on his spark, making him shiver as Arachnid walked over to him.

"I smell a human Soundwave~" she purred at him. Megatron watched intently incase he might need to intervene. Soundwave shakes his head in response to her, staring her down. Then a bump and muffled yelling came from Soundwave. Arachnid raised an optic ridge, or as humans call it, an eyebrow.

"What is that?" She asked and narrowed her eyes at Soundwave as the pounding and yelling continued. Soundwave shrugged, feeling nervous but didn't let it show. Arachnid reached for him and Soundwave turned, taking off into a run. He exited the command center and made it just past his door when he felt a sharp spark go through his whole body. He groaned in his hoarse voice and fell to his knees. He opened his spark chamber and came falling out was his human spark mate, unconscious!

(Soundwave's POV)

I caught Esmerelda as she fell out of me. My breath hitched in my throat, another shock came into my spark as I stared at her limp form. I shook her gently in my hand.

"Esmerelda." I coughed. My unused voice is still pretty hoarse. It reminds me to speak to her more, or ask her to practice with me on my voice. She opens her eyes and stares up at me. She's as gorgeous as the Cornelia on Cybertron, I thought and an image of it came up in my processor.

"I'm really not all that good looking." She said.

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