Chapter 17

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Christian was dozing – his head resting on my naked breasts while I stroked his copper curls. We were lying in the bedroom of the GEH jet, on our way back to Seattle. I had to hand it to Christian – despite the horrible start, he'd turned the weekend into the best of my life. As well as Strand Bookstore and our twilight tour of Central Park we'd caught a show on Broadway, eaten at far too many excellent places, seen the Frick Collection and did the obligatory tour of the Statue of Liberty. And even with all that, we hadn't scratched the surface of all New York had to offer!

Still, it was Monday night, and all good things had to come to an end. Christian needed to return to work tomorrow, and I wanted a day to gather my thoughts before returning to SIP on Wednesday. This morning as we were on the harbor cruise looking up at the Statue of Liberty, Christian had nervously confessed that he was negotiating to buy SIP. To say I'd been furious was an understatement. He admitted he'd initially checked it out because of the connection with me, but then he explained he believed the company would fold in the next three years if they didn't start to diversify. And while I hated the idea of working for a business Christian owned, I hated the idea of SIP failing even more.

After guaranteeing me he would not be involved in any of the day to day running, even going so far as to promise he'd ask his second in command, Ros, to handle all the negotiations and interactions, I finally accepted that by the end of the week, Christian would probably be my boss.

On the car ride on the way to the airport, Christian had asked me to stay with him at Escala until Kate was back in Seattle. He said there was a second security situation he'd brief me on once we were home, that it was serious, and that he'd prefer I stay with him at Escala with security than alone in my apartment. Once we found out Hyde had been charged but released on bail with an order to appear at a hearing in several weeks' time, I'd happily agreed. Hyde could be anywhere, and since it turned out I had ruptured one of his testes, I was worried he might come after me.

While I'd agreed to return to Escala, a small part of me was dreading it. In New York, Christian had been so sweet and loving. The perfect boyfriend. I had to wonder how that would play out once Christian was back in his natural world of mergers, acquisitions and his castle in the sky where he liked to whip pale brunettes.

"You're not sleeping," Christian murmured after I tensed beneath him.

"Just thinking of all the things I have to do this week," I lied, only telling him half the truth. No matter how much I loved Christian, he still intimidated me at times – and I wasn't sure how to explain that this all felt like a fairy tale and that I was preparing myself for when the other shoe would inevitably drop.

"If you need help with anything, ask Mrs. Jones," he replied, lazily tilting his head to lap at my exposed nipples. They tightened instantly, and he chuckled, pulling one into his mouth and nipping it lightly.

 They tightened instantly, and he chuckled, pulling  one into his mouth and nipping it lightly

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"Good morning, beautiful!" Christian grinned, coming out of his bathroom. Our bathroom now, I suppose - at least until Kate was back.

"You're dressed? What time is it?" I asked, sitting up in bed and looking at the Seattle skyline dappled in morning sun. It had been late when we got in last night, Christian carrying me from the car through to our room.

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