Chapter 47

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"Oh, Christian! It's so beautiful!" I gasped, looking out across the lake to Seattle in the distance.

"So, you think you could live here?" Christian asked, his tone hopeful.

"Who wouldn't want to live here?" I said, and I meant it. The spot was gorgeous, and with some modifications, the house would be stunning. I didn't know much about Seattle real estate, but I knew this wouldn't come cheap. Still Christian was right; this was the type of house where you could raise a family. While I loved Escala, I couldn't see us raising our child there.

"If you like it, I'll buy it," Christian declared, spinning me in his arms. "This could all be ours."

"Do it," I whispered, tilting my head back as Christian's lips crashed into mine.

I threw my arms around Christian's neck, surrendering to his urgent, demanding kisses.

"We're going to be so happy here, baby. I promise you." Christian's voice was gravelly and rough, trying to contain his emotions.

"Christian, I'll be happy anywhere, as long as it's with you," I replied, stroking the side of his face with my hand as we kissed again.

"I hope so, baby," he said swallowing nervously and stepping back from my embrace. He grabbed my hands, holding them between his, before slowing sinking onto one knee. I shivered, knowing without being told what was about to happen.

"Anastasia Steele. You're everything I never knew I needed, and now you're here I know I can't live my life without you. I love you, baby. I'm so excited to be starting this next stage of our lives together. I can't wait until we move here – you, me and our baby. I want us to be a family, and as part of that, I'm hoping you'll do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Christian Grey?"

He paused, and swallowed again, regarding me carefully. I was struck dumb, so he asked again.

"Ana, baby? Will you marry me?"

He was kneeling at my feet, a small velvet box in his hands. As I watched, Christian opened the casket to reveal an enormous diamond ring. I gasped.

"Christian! That's huge!"

"Don't think about the ring, baby," he implored. "Think about what I'm asking. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

And I didn't need to pause when he asked me that. I knew that answer already. Christian's name was embedded in my heart and soul. I was carrying the blossoming seed of our love, and more than anything, I wanted to spend my life with this man.


"Yes?" he checked his hands squeezing mine.

"Yes!" I said again, my hands shaking as he stood up, plucking the ring from the box and tentatively placing it on my ring finger.

I looked down and was dazzled. The stone was literally the width of my finger, extending up and downwards from the delicate metal shank. It was so beautifully simple, although I shuddered to think how much it must have cost.

"You're really going to be mine?" Christian asked again, his eyes filled with joy.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I giggled, laughing as he picked me up and spun around before placing me at the foot of the bed. Together we sunk onto the snowy linen, curling into one another.

"I want you naked except that ring," Christian growled, helping me remove my shorts, panties, shirt, and bra until I was naked as he loomed over me. "Mine!" he exclaimed.

"Yours," I replied, nodding. Then I took my index finger and gently ran it over his lips, down his chin, Adam's apple, and sternum before deviating until it sat over his heart. "Mine," I declared.

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