Chapter 18

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"Baby!" I moaned, pulling Ana to me in relief.

Taylor's eyes had shot to mine seconds after he'd taken a call during my head of departments meeting. Even before he'd looked at me, I knew it was serious. Taylor had a series of different ringtones he employed with his team, and the one that had sounded was our equivalent of DEFCON 1. Answer immediately - no matter what.

A single gesture was all it took for me to abandon my meeting, charging out into the corridor where I found an almost hysterical Ana, followed by Prescott who was radiating tension from every pore.

Pulling Ana close to me, I kissed her forehead, lips and every other part of her face I could reach. We stood there, Ana sobbing against my chest, while Prescott was updating Taylor in a conversation of fast and furious whispers. I couldn't hear it all, but I heard enough to know something major had happened at Escala. Ana finally calming, at least a little, I looked up to see Ros standing at the doorway to the meeting room, the rest of my senior staff unabashedly gawking at me through the glass wall where I stood with my arms around a beautiful young woman. I guess those fuckers thought I was gay, too!

"Ros Bailey," she said, coming forward and smiling, calmly introducing herself to Ana who stood tucked under my arm. "I'm COO here. You must be Anastasia?"

"Ana," my girl corrected softly, giving Ros a tentative smile.

"There's been a security breach at Escala," I explained to Ros. "Take over and let me know anything I need to hear about."

That taken care of, I scooped Ana up into my arms, bringing her down the corridor through to reception. Olivia openly gaped as she witnessed me carrying Ana across to my office, whereas Andrea was ever professional. Spotting us, she strode ahead, opening my office doors for Ana and me to pass through.

"Andrea? This is my girlfriend, Anastasia Steele. She is to have full access here at any time. If she calls, put her through no matter what I'm doing. Right now, she'd like a cup of tea; Twinings English Breakfast, tea bag out," I ordered. "I'll have a coffee," I added, almost as an afterthought.

Andrea nodded, closing the double doors to my office. For the moment Taylor and Prescott were outside.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting on my sofa and cradling Ana in my lap.

"We went to my apartment to get some things. Sawyer drove Prescott and me in one of your SUVs. We weren't gone long, but when we got back, my Audi was wrecked. The windows and panels were smashed, and someone threw paint all over it," she sobbed.

My mind immediately went to Leila. A red Audi A3 parked in bay five. Would anyone else know what that meant? To who that must belong? Mentally cursing myself for not being more forward, more honest with Ana earlier, I changed the subject.

"Have you eaten?!"

"No," she said, pale blue eyes looking at me nervously. I sighed loudly. The woman needed to take better care of herself!

"You need to eat, Ana!" I growled, angry at the situation, not her. Yet I could almost feel her deflate in my arms, subtly pulling away from me a little.

"We were going back to Escala for lunch," she explained timidly, and immediately I felt even more like an asshole.

"Of course you were," I agreed, closing the distance between us again. "My meeting is over. How about I take you to lunch?"

She nodded in acquiesce, but there was no confidence in her eyes.

"Or we could order in? Most days I eat lunch here."

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