Chapter 12 - I DON'T CARE

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Dylan Lemiere

"Can't believe Nial is hitting on my sister.." Christian said as I drank my shot.

"Me too." Marco said.

"Let them be.. He's a good guy anyway." Brandon said and then he drink his beer.

"Let's just let her be happy, breaking up with Blane got her good." Joan said.

"I agree, besides we know Nial. He's not a random guy." Autumn agreed. I sipped another shot again.

"So.. how the new chick?" Daniel asked me.

"Still haven't contact her." I answered and that's the truth. I do attract to her a lot but somehome there's no strong pull. Besides.. I don't need girls right now.

"Diana?" Autumn asked and I nodded lightly. Suddenly someone's phone rang. Apparently it's Joan who sat right beside me. She took her phone out and answered the call.

"Hey.. whats up? Oh. Okay.. Autumn's here. Okay." She ended the call.

"Who?" Autumn asked.

"L's house.. girl's night." Joan smirked and that's how we know that Lauren is happy. She's happy and I'm glad because seeing her sad does break my heart. It's like I want to kick who dares to make her cry.

"Bye babe." Autumn kissed Morris and of course Morris let her because she's going Lauren's house not other club.

"Bye boys!" Joan got up and walked out with Autumn.

"Girls.. They're loud." Archer said and I chuckled.

"We all have sisters.. except you.. and you." I pointed at Andrew and Morris.

"I'm glad I don't have one." Morris rolled his eyes.

"My sister?" Archer smirked.

"Girlfriend.. not a sister."

"Sister.. because I don't give my permission for you to date her." Archer said.

"Yeah right." Morris rolled his eyes. I chuckled and poured myself another shot of alcohol. We all got drunk that night because we're all pretty much tired working. It's Sunday anyway and it's okay to be late tomorrow.

"Christian!" I opened my eyes hearing someone bursting into our private room. I turned to the door right away.

"Damn it, Lauren!" Andrew hissed.

"Wake up you all.. work time." She clapped her hands and I reached for another shot but she stopped me.

"No more!" She threw it away and I looked at him disbelief.

"You're really unbelievable." I said and she rolled her eyes. She walked towards her brothers.

"Christian! Dad is looking for you and you're in big trouble."

"Mom.. stop." Christian said and I closed my eyes again. I leaned to Morris.

"You all wake up! Westin Company representative is at your office, Lemiere!" My eyes widen and I sat up straight. We all did.. we all sat up straight right away.

"He came?"

"He will in 37 minutes, you idiots!" Crystal smirked as she leaned at the door.

"Shit." Matt said and then we all got up and walked out quickly. We got out from the emergency stairs literally ran towards our own car. I got into my car and drove home.

"Where were you all?!" My dad called us all.

"Going there.. now!" Brandon said.

"Goodluck boys." Crystal said. I drove towards the office fast and literally ran into the lift along others.

"I'm getting into the shower first." Matt said.

"No.. me first." I said and as the lift opened.. we all ran to the bathroom.

"Get away!" I pushed Morris away. I took a bath real quick and walked out to change into my fresh clothes. Yes, we have 5 bathrooms in Lemiere's building incase this emergency meeting happens. I looked at the mirror with my tie untied. I buttoned up my shirt when suddenly someone turned my body around.

"Let me help you." Lauren said as she adjust my tie. I looked at blankly and she glanced at me sometimes.

"Hangover? Here." She said as she gave me a pil.

"Thanks." I said and she helped me to get into my blazer. She smiled looking at me.

"Go.. he just arrived." She said and I nodded.

"Thanks." I said as I looked at the mirror to check my appearance once again. I ran to the meeting room and proceed the meeting. We talked about trading in this meeting that's why we all have to attend. It's an international thing and we decided to have this business together instead of one company holding it.

After done.. I walked out first because I'm damn thirsty. I stopped going there because I saw Lauren and Nial talking.. while Lauren fixing his tie. I took of my tie right away and walked towards the lift.

"Dude.. let's have lunch together." Aiden said.

"Nah.. I want to go to the base." I said as I threw my tie to him. I got into the lift with him looking at me confuse. I pressed the close button but..

"Wait!" Shit! Lauren walked in. The lift closed and I looked straight to the lift door.

"How's the meeting?"

"Good." I said in a normal tone.

"Where are you going?"


"Why? We're having lunch together." She asked.

"I have other things to do."

"Oh okay." She said and as soon as the door lift opened, I walked out leaving her there. I got into my car that parked right in front of the lobby.

"Wait.. why am I being angry again?" I asked myself when I started my car.

"Fuck it! I don't care!" I drove out from the building towards the base.

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