Chapter 20 - Deserves It

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Lauren Hastington

I trained late at night to avoid Dylan, when I say really late.. it's 2 in the morning. I really don't want to deal with Dylan now. I hate him.

I punched my punch bag hard and started to train by myself. After that I walked to the treadmill, I ran 2km and then started to do squats and lunges. I'm done. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I walked out to the changing room in my towel and I jumped when I saw Dylan sitting on the chair.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked because my heart almost stopped seeing him like a ghost. I walked to him and gestured him to go away. He moved.

"Look away!" I hissed coldly and he turned his head to the wall. I put my clothes beside him and I dried my hair. He turned to me and took the hair dryer away from me. I turned to him and he started helping me to dry my hair.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"So you're training at night to avoid me. You really take it seriously huh?" He asked.

"None of your business." I pushed him away and took my hair dryer. I dried my hair myself and he just sat beside me. After I finished, I put all my things inside my bag and walked out from the bathroom.

I walked out from the base..

"Until when?" I stopped when Dylan asked that. I turned to him.

"Until when what? Avoiding you? Until I get married and have kids!" I hissed and then I walked towards my car. He stole my car key and I looked at him disbelief.

"Dylan! I'm tired and I want to sleep!"

"I'll take you home." She said.

"Isn't this what you want? Then why bother ask me until when will I avoid you?" I hissed as I try to reach for my car key.


"I don't know what I want." He said and I sighed.

"Even you change your mind.. I don't care. I'm with Nial now."  I hissed and he sighed.

"You and Diana and I'm with Nial. You want this and why bother-" He suddenly leaned closer to me and my eyes widen. I walked back right away.

"Dylan!" He walked to me and I kept walking back. I cursed when my back kissed my car.

"Dylan.. what are you doing?" I hissed and he leaned his head so close to me. I was so pissed and I decided to slap him.

"I don't know what you want but you did tell me that we're friends! You still want your bachelor life and don't want this but now you're l-"

"I hate seeing you and Nial, okay?" He bursted. I looked at him disbelief and I scoffed. I laughed dryly at him.

"Oh.. that's not my business. That's yours. So what do you want me to do? Go back to you like nothing happen? I don't date jerks.. you might think that you're better than Blane but you're much more worse!" I bursted back and walked towards the gate without my car.

He suddenly caught my arm and then he gave me back my car key. He sighed and then he walked away. He got into his car and then drove out from the base leaving me alone. My eyes became teary and I looked up to the sky.

What a jerk..

I got into my car and drove towards another club beside our usual club. I asked for a private room and then they gave me one.

I started to drink by myself because I'm damn pissed and sad about this. Dylan played with my heart.. again. I can't believe this. I avoided 3 months and I thought I already forget about him but no.. He's still there.

I kept drinking and drinking and drinking until I passed out by myself.

I opened my eyes slowly and checked my phone to see what time is it and yey it's 3 p.m. My dad missed call me 30 times, my mom 24 times, Christian 57 times, Marco 50 times, Nial 5 times and.. Dylan 70 times. I threw my phone to the side. I got up slowly and drank a bottle of water right away.

My phone rang and it's my dad.

"Hey dad."

"Can't believe that you got drunk until this time.. I thought you're dead!" He bursted.

"You already knew where I am and I'm okay." I said.

"You okay? Something's bothering you?" He asked.

"I just want to be alone, dad."

"Okay." He ended the call and I sighed. I ordered food here and another bottle of alcohol. I leaned back to the sofa and drank a shot.

Suddenly the door bursted open and I looked at the door bored. It's Dylan.. again.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a really tired tone.

"Stop drinking!" He stopped me when I was going to drink my shot. I kicked his leg and then stomach.

"Lauren." He said in a warning tone.

"You make people around you worried!" He bursted and I turned to him.

"You? Or people around me?" I asked coldly and I drank straight from the bottle.

"Let's go home! You're family is looking for you." He grabbed my hand but I let him go.

"My family knows where I am and what I'm doing. Don't even think to use is as an excuse!" I hissed.

"Lauren!" He grabbed my left arm hard and I groaned in pain because my left shoulder was the one that cracked.

"Stop! Just mind your own business!" I bursted at him.

"Go away!" I smacked him big time and pushed him towards the door. I'm completely pissed by him.

"Let's talk.. okay?"


"Talk nicely.."

"No!" I bursted at him and he looked at me disbelief.

"I don't want you anymore okay?! Stop trying to reach me like I'm still crazily like you!" I bursted big time and he looked at me camly.

"But you do still care and crazily like me.." He said and I scoffed.

"Your confidence is as high as the rocky mountain!" I pushed him away and walked to the door. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me ito his arms. He hugged me.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry, my ass. Dream on!" I kicked his ball and then walked out from the private room. Completely don't care if he's hurt or not.. he deserves it.

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