Chapter 23 - Stop

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Dylan Lemiere

I walked into the restaurant and saw my friends already there. I smiled as they waved at me. I walked towards them and gave all of them a bro hug.

"How are you dude?" Sam asked.

"Good.. as usual, how about you guys?" I asked as I sat down.

"We're good." Tyler said.

"We're all good but this guy.." Sam patted Cole's shoulder and I raised my eyebrows.

"Why? You're eating drugs now?" I asked teasing him and the others laugh.

"Much worse than that.." Tyler said.

"What?" I asked and drank a glass of water

"He's getting married." Sam said and I choked on my water.

"What?" I coughed and the others laughed.

"You're getting married with Joyce?" I asked.

"The one and only."

"God.. You haven't graduated yet.."

"I wish I have a company like yours so I don't need a degree for it."

"Shut it.. I've been studying business since I was in Junior highschool." I hissed and he laughed.

"You proposed?" Tyler asked.

"Of course, you idiot!"

"Is that Nial? Nial right?" Sam suddenly said and I turned my head. My eyes widen to see him kissing another woman. I got up immediately completely pissed.

"What are you doing? Dylan?" Tyler asked. I ignored him and continued to walk towards Nial. He's laughing and kissing her. He even caressed her thighs. I pulled his collar and punched him big time. The girl squealed in shock.

"What the heck?" Nial looked at me disbelief.

"What are you thinking? Cheating?" I bursted angrily. He chuckled and got up from the ground.

"You're with Lauren!" I hissed coldly and he looked around to see people looking at us.

"Dylan.. we're in public." Cole held me. Nial glanced at the girl and he turned to me.

"If I'm with Lauren then what? She's in France anyway." are you shitting me? I was going to punch him again but Cole held me.

"You bastard!" I pushed Cole away and punched Nial again.

"How could you cheat on her?!" I bursted but Nial punched me hard. He punched me again and again.

"Dylan stop!" Sam said as he, Tyler and Cole pulled me away. They dragged me outside.

"What's wrong with you?" Sam asked.

"He's dating Lauren and he's cheating."

"Dude.. he's Nial. You can talk it off, he's not a random guy." Sam said.

"Calm down, dude." Tyler said and I scoffed disbelief.

"Wait?! What?!" I realised something. He said that Lauren is in France? What the heck is she doing in France?

"I need to talk to that bastard." I hissed and when I was going walk in.. Sam stopped me.

"You're a public figure, there's a lot of people filming you earlier inside. You can't go back there again." Tyler hissed and I sighed.

"Let's go to the club okay? You can talk to Nial later on. Calm down yourself."

"Calm down myself?" I looked at all of them.

"Dude.. you can talk it through."

"Talk? He's cheating with another girl while Lauren is in France!"

"Calm down yourself.. dude. You almost kill him earlier." Tyler said.

"Let's go.. okay.. let's go." Cole dragged me out and I'm still damn mad. Sam forced me to go into my car and drove towards my usual club. I was more than pissed and thank God my friends helped me to control myself. I drove away from the restaurant and drove fast towards the club.

I decided to call Autumn to confirm that Lauren is in France.


"Hey A."

"What's up?" She asked.

"Tell me why Lauren is in France?"

"Uh? Who told you that?" She asked in a weird tone.

"Her boyfriend." I said in a really damn annoy tone.

"Why is she in France?" I asked once again because she's been silent.

"She's studying france now.."

"What? Since when she has this interest in france?"

"She just want too.. she can't study other language?" I sighed and ended the call. As soon as I arrived at the club, I tried to call Lauren but.. she blocked my phone number.

"Let's go inside." Tyler said and I followed him inside. We got into a private room and started to drink.

"Nial is cheating on Lauren.. that's crazy dude!" Sam said and Tyler gestured him to shut up. I sighed and looked up to the ceiling.

"So are you going to tell Lauren?" Cole asked and I shook my head.

"Let her be.." I said and I drank my shot.

"Right. Let her be beside it's her relationship. Let's dont butt into it." Tyler said and I nodded. I drank another shot.. another shot.. another shot.

"Dylan! Slow down, what's wrong with you?" I turned to Cole.

"What did you feel when you know that.. you fell in love with Joyce?" I asked and he looked at me confuse.

"I want her to always be with me, if she's not there.. I feel empty. When I'm with her, I'm just happy. Oh! I hate it when she's talking with other people." Cole said and I sighed.

"You okay?" Sam asked.

"No." I said and I leaned back to the sofa. I took out my phone from my pocket and I dialed Lauren's phone number. She's not answering.. I called again and again but still no answer.

"Sorry.. I mess the catching up time. I'll make it up to you some other time." I said as I got up.

"I know it's none of my business but.. did you see yourself earlier, Dylan?" Sam said.

"I was angry."

"If we didn't stop you, you will kill him." Tyler said.

"He's cheating."

"We heard that and we know.. but you should control yourself next time. He might cheated on Lauren but you can talk this all through and then beat him later." Cole said.

"See you all soon." I said and I walked out from the room. I walked out from the building and got into my car.

"Stop acting like you care, Dylan. Ignore them.. it's their relationship not mine."

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