Chapter 39

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Roxie honey its 6 pm we need to get you up and ready so we can do sound check .

Okay thanks Steve I will be ready in 10 minutes .Do you know if my dad and the lynch's are here yet ?

Yes they made it and they are in the front row siting down I believe Peter is out there talking with them .

Okay Thanks Steve see you in a few minutes .

Hi Steve have you seen Roxie ?

Yes i did she is getting ready right now for the show .

Okay thanks so much Steve I will let you get back to the stage .

Hello everyone thank you for coming out to the Hard Rock Cafe in Seattle . We would like to give a warm welcome to Roxie and Cool Bunch sing her new hit songs .

Steve where is Roxie they have called us on the stage and she still hasn't came out lets go check on here . I hope she is already .

OMG Roxie , Roxie , Peter go get her family in the front row and Micheal go let the manager know there has been a emergency with the lead singer .

Okay be right back Steve .

Roxie honey wake up please ,Roxie wake up .

Steve what is wrong ? Peter came and got us is there something wrong with Roxie ?

Yes Rocky something is wrong Roxie wont wake up and I am worried .

OMG where is my daughter at ?

Roxie is this way follow me back to her dressing room .

OMG Roxie honey what happen ?

Sorry Dad I am not sure i was getting ready and the next thing i knew I was on the floor .

Honey we are going to get you to the doctor now to see what happen to you .

Dad I can't have all my fan out there and I i need to do the show.

Roxie honey we talked to the manger and we will do the show another time so we can find out what going on with you right now and that is more important .

Okay Steve thanks for letting me know . Can you take my family to my house and I am going to go see the doctor .

Okay Roxie but we are wanting to go see what they say . So lets go .

Okay but I feel so dizzy and weak . Dad can u help me please

Sure thing honey lets get you to the doctor because you do look pale right now .

Hello can I help you please ?

Yes my daughter needs to see a doctor she was getting ready to do her last show of her tour and she was in her dressing room and we had to shake her to wake her up .

Okay what is your daughter's name ?

Roxie Lynch is my daughter name .

Okay follow me into this room . Okay Roxie am going to have the nurse come draw some blood then the doctor will be in as well .

Okay thank you . Daddy my head really hurts right now .

Aww honey I wish I could take the pain way for you but i can .

Hi I am Dr. Martin my nurse tells me that you blacked out right before your show . Has this ever happen to you before ?

No sir it hasn't i was just getting ready for the show then next thing i knew one of my band members was trying to wake me up .

Okay well you do look a litte weak so the nurse came and got your blood now I am going to check you exray right now of you . I will be back go head and lay back back down .

Mr. Lynch can i see you for a minute please .

Yes Dr. Martin did you find something wrong with my daughters exray .

Well Mr. Lynch i am just going to get to the point Roxie has a small tumor on her right side of her brain which is making her have the bad head ace and and the blood work came back with her white cells really high . So with her brain swelling like that we can give Roxie some pain meds and set up appointment to see a a special this week . So I am sending her home with pain meds and some to make her rest easy but someone needs to be with her because i don't want her left alone . And she need to avoid stree if possible .

Okay thanks Doctor Martin so I will go and tell Roxie and my family the news .

Dad what is going on what did the doctor say to you about what is going on with me ?

Well Roxie honey there is some bad news . Dr. Martin said that they found a small tumor in your brain and it is swelling and he is giving you some pain medications and he wants you to aviod stress and wants you to rest until next week to see a specialist about it .

OMG dad all my fans what am i going to do .?

Roxie honey very thing is going to be alright we can handle that . Right now we waiting on the doctor to bring our medications ,

Hi Everyone okay Roxie i would like to avoid all stress and go home and rest and take theses medications and this pill will help you rest and the second bottle with is your pain medication . Who is going to be staying with Roxie ?

We all are Dr. Martin and we will make sure that Roxie us resting and avoiding stress . Thank you

Your welcome and make sure you set appointment up with the specialist on Monday . You are free to go Roxie .

Thank you Dr. Martin .                     

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